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10 Reasons Your Sales Team Needs CRM Software

Time is the most vital aspect of any life transaction. When time is money, it’s important that your sales team finds effective crm strategies to work more efficiently and boost productivity.

Enter Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Fortunately, CRM performs data analytics to map patterns and predicament trends, line up leads, improve efficiency, and track customers. And given that salespeople have been collecting information about their clients, it helps streamline the entire sales cycle.

The most difficult part of integrating sales with CRM is deciding to adopt CRM. Going forth, it is a smooth ride. Salespeople often see CRM as another tool, as more work and just another way for their bosses to keep track of their work.

Time-consuming tasks such as order processing and preparing quotes are automated. A steady flow of new prospects filters into the pipeline, increasing time spent selling, and arming sales reps with the info they need to close a higher percentage of deals.

Read: SMEs need CRM. Here’s Why

According to The Tas Group, on average 2/3 of all salesforce (67%) miss their Sales quota.

Meanwhile, the study by Innoppl Technologies claims that that 65% of sales reps who have used Mobile CRM achieved their sales quotas, and a staggering 78% of those who didn’t use CRM did not achieve their targets.

RM Productivity Statistics:

  • 75% of sales managers say that using CRM helps to drive and increase sales. (Hubspot)

  • CRM system adoption increases sales by up to 29%. (Salesforce)

  • The average CRM ROI is $5.60 for every dollar spent. (Baseline)

  • CRM can increase revenue by a whopping 41% per salesperson. (TrackVia)

  • Three out of four consumers say they spent more money with a company because of positive customer experience. (Global Customer Service Study)

  • 65% of sales reps who have adopted mobile CRM have achieved their sales quotas while only 22% of reps using non-mobile CRM have reached the same targets. (Innoppl Technologies)

Reasons Why Sales Teams Need a CRM

1. Safe Storage And Accessibility

All the data is in one place and can be accessed or referred to remotely. This brings a sense of reassurance and comfort to the sales team knowing that their contacts, leads, opportunities, contracts, etc. are safely filed away in the CRM.  CRM helps Salespeople to centralize all related information, making it easier to perform business tasks.

2. Time Consciousness

CRM helps salespeople to optimize their daily schedules and prioritize tasks to make sure customers are not ignored and the key prospects are contacted on time. CRM allows salespeople to spend more time with clients which in turn creates great rapport and relationships and closure of deals.

3. Saves Money

CRM systems are an investment and if implemented correctly, they can save or make you money. Within the sales team, it reduces errors and saves money and effort that would be spent on correcting those errors.

4. Mobile CRM

Mobile CRM empowers sales reps to access customer data & customer accounts on their mobile phones/tablets on the go. By having access to crucial information such as product information, account history, price lists, etc., sales reps can make well-informed decisions quickly and respond to leads faster. Less time is wasted searching for contact and trying to recall the conversation you had last time and more time can be spent on having productive and meaningful discussions.

Hence, the result of using Mobile CRM Development services will be an accelerated customer buying process, leading to improved conversion rates.

5. Reduces Admin tasks

CRM releases the sales teams from the majority of admin tasks by reducing and even removing some of the repetitive actions that take a lot of time, but yield little profitability. CRM stores product and price details trigger reminders for activities and take salespeople through the sales pipeline step by step.

6. Timely Contact

CRM, to salespeople, conducts an involuntary task of the process follow up and can guide them on when to contact their potential clients depending on the reason. For example, for product replacement, contract renewal, or for sale to a new product or service. All this increases your chances of closing a sale.

7. Sales Forecasting

This is simply predicting or estimating or planning for or about the future or trend. A CRM will provide management mechanisms with real-time data that can be analyzed to optimize the performance of the organization. By monitoring data sets related to call volume, case times, up-sell rates, revenue per call, etc., managers can devise strategies by leveraging SalesCRM to retain clients, and augment sales.

For salesmen who are promoting a new product, sales forecasting helps you to know whether you will find the market for your product or not depending on the earlier arrangements made. Sales forecasting can also help you get investors to back up your business with additional funding thus promoting its growth.

8. Reporting And Analysis

Since the process is automated and transparent, it helps the sales team look at the data and make reports with ease. Sales teams can easily inform management of their current sales with an automated process that prepares their weekly or monthly reports.

Reports generated through CRM deliver sales reps and sales managers a unified view of all key sales information including the set targets and performance assessment data.

9. Better Communication

While collecting and managing the right data is an important aspect of CRM, possessing the ability to problem solve and collaborate through CRM is equally impactful to your productivity. Easily share ideas, solutions, or even crowdsource input for a particular organizational project.

Completely integrated customer intelligence provides your team with the ability to share historical, real-time, and projected information. View similar customers and compare any issues or customizations that they needed to help provide a better experience for other customers. Make better, faster decisions.

10. Social Media Marketing Integration

Leveraging CRM integration with social media tools lets you gain detailed insights into your customers concerning their demographics, tastes, and preferences, buying behavior, etc. This will help accelerate the sales process by allowing you to identify the leads that have the highest probability of being converted into deals.


It is not all rosy with relationships but as soon as salespeople start to embrace CRM, their work and productivity are bound to get easier and better respectively. All companies are unique and therefore need unique software, it is very important to use a tailor-made CRM of the business.

MonkeyPesa CRM is a platform built to integrate several departments in one tool. Sales, Marketing, Customer support, and accounting Data seamlessly communicate to make the experience better for everyone in the organization.

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