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  • Apophia

10 Ways To Increase Your Sales This Christmas

Updated: Nov 11, 2021

The festive season is here! The jingle bells are starting to go off. As a business owner, it all depends on how you position yourself to increase sales in this period. The Christmas and New Year's holidays present many opportunities.

Christmas purchases usually overwhelm business people due to the large quantities and purchase orders made by clients. Therefore, it is suitable to capitalize on the period at hand to make some more profits and increase your revenues.

Christmas usually comes with vast and potential business, and those that fully take advantage of the period make crazy sales deals.

10 Ways To Increase Your Sales This Christmas

1. Suggest gift ideas for your visitors and potential customers.

Website visitors are more likely to make purchases if they are engaged, and the chances to convert are high. When you make the work of your website visitors simpler, there is a high likelihood that they will make purchases from you.

One of the ways through which you can encourage website visitors and clients to buy from you is by suggesting gift ideas for them. A visitor might want a Christmas gift for their loved one, so as a business owner, you can offer a gift for them. This depends on the gender, age and likes/ interests of the receiver. You have to suggest something that will most likely make the client and the receiver want more from you. This will entice and convince a visitor to make a purchase hence increasing sales at Christmas. This excites a customer, and they are more likely to recommend more other people to make purchases from you, thus increasing sales in the festive season.

2. Customize your business website design to fit into the season

Branding is everything. Your website has to show that you are in the mood for the festive season. Irrespective of the nature and type of your business, it is always good to move with the trending season. Fitting your website design into the season creates a sense that you understand your customers' needs at the period. It also helps inform clients of what your business offers and what they can purchase from you.

You can also make a store of goods so that your customers can find whatever they need in one place. It is also good to group your products on the website to make it easy for customers to see what they want by just searching. This does their work of looking for products easy.

3. Encourage your website visitors to buy gift cards.

Gift cards are part of the most wanted products during the Christmas holidays. And they are purchased by many people during the festive season. This can be one of the ways to fetch end-of-year sales. Selling gift cards during the Christmas season should be your number one target product so that you can make some revenues as the year ends.

While many people still cherish using physical gift cards, digital gift cards are commonly known as e-vouchers. E-vouchers are flexible and can be delivered to the receiver through emails or SMS or depending on the platform a user is comfortable with. For example, as an entrepreneur interested in using digital personalized gift cards, you can promote and advertise your business's gift cards via gift fly or PayPal.

Digital gift cards help generate sales for your business and create awareness for recipients who may not be aware of your brand's existence.

To make more sales you can also choose to offer discounts for each client who makes a purchase. To fetch more deals in the festive season, you can run the discount campaign until the New Year begins.

4. Offer excellent customer service to your clients

Excellent customer service promotes customer retention. Good customer service attracts customers to keep coming back. This doesn't only encourage repetitive support but also maintains a good reputation for your business.

Consistent and good customer care attracts clients to keep coming back even during the busy Christmas periods. Good Customer care makes clients feel that they can still rely on your business for better and reliable transactions and goods and services. The more customers come back to make purchases and referrals, the more sales the company makes, increasing profits and revenue during the Christmas holidays.

5. Impose a sense of urgency with a limited period

There are several ways to generate sales during the Christmas holidays. And imposing a sense of urgency in the lead-up to Christmas is one of them. Creating a sense of urgency involves reminding customers of the final delivery dates for Christmas and putting offers for the first 50 buyers. There are many other techniques business owners use to impose a sense of urgency.

To widely circulate your sense of urgency to make more sales, you can host live events on the social media pages of your business. For instance, Facebook live videos and chats, Twitter spaces, Instagram live chats and more. You can also circulate adverts on all your social media pages and ask some of your funs to share the posts on their pages. This will help you make more sales in the Christmas festive season.

6. Give complimentary gift wrapping as a service

Giving gift wrapping as a service to a customer is one of the most incredible ways of ensuring good customer care. Such an offer improves customer experience and boosts sales. In addition, good customer service enhances retention, which improves sales made per day due to continued support and repetitive purchases.

7. Give discounts

Offering discounts is one of the most efficient and effective ways of boosting sales as you peep into the Christmas season.

Giving discounts to customers attracts more sales. You can make it massive and promote the offer on all your social media pages and the website homepage to get overwhelming deals. This raises awareness purchases amongst your customers and other people.

You can also give your clients a last-minute Christmas bonus and encourage them to do their shopping earlier at lower and affordable prices.

8. Do free delivery for your customers

Offering free delivery to customers has been used by various e-commerce businesses, and it has proven to be successful. Doing free delivery for customers during the Christmas holidays is one of the most excellent ways of promoting and growing your brand.

Making such an offer earns your trust and reliability. This encourages customers to keep coming back and making more or similar purchases now or even in the future. Moreover, free delivery forces buyers to buy more goods in large amounts to benefit from the service. That helps you to make more sales hence benefiting the business and increasing sales during the Christmas season.

9. Conduct email marketing campaigns to make more sales

Running email marketing campaigns amongst your existing clients is one of the most excellent ways to drive sales for your business. You can email marketing campaigns with your existing customer base and encourage them to make some purchases.

You can run discounts, gift card purchases, show off what you have to offer to your customers, and encourage them to buy.

To use email to market your products, it is crucial to segment your database. This enables you to send only relevant information to your customers, improving conversions, clickthroughs, and open rates. You can also do shopping cart abandonment reminders to boost and improve your sales during the Christmas holidays.

10. Make gift sets for your clients

This suits businesses whose products complement each other. If you have products that can go together, it makes a difference if they are put together to create a gift bundle. In addition, gift bundles improve your business' average order value since several products are packed in a single set as one.

Making gift sets supported by a sound inventory management system saves time by synchronizing stock levels during busy periods of the year. Additionally, it is important to set prices for your gift bundles so that customers are aware of how much they have to spend on a set. Finally, it creates a more appealing experience if customers feel that they save money while buying many. This doesn't only encourage retention but also boosts and improves sales during the Christmas holidays.

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