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12 Ways To Build A Marketing Campaign For The Christmas Holiday Season

The Christmas holiday and festive season always have customers moving about to find the perfect items to satisfy their likes and preferences. Therefore, entrepreneurs need to prepare a conducive environment for customers to make purchases so that businesses can benefit.

A well-planned marketing campaign for the Christmas and holiday season can improve sales, customer service experience and promote retention. However, this still comes down to how you have planned your marketing campaigns, the strategies you opt to use and how best you have arranged to help the business achieve its Christmas holiday marketing campaign goals.

A well-planned Christmas holiday marketing campaign can engage clients in making purchase decisions as they prepare for the festive season.

Ways To Build A Marketing Campaign For The Christmas Holiday Season

1. Set goals for your marketing campaign.

The moment you identify who your target audiences are, the next activity to set your ball rolling on; is setting goals for the marketing campaign. It is advisable to set "SMART" goals for Christmas holiday campaigns. Setting goals helps you become more focused on customers who are the source of sales for your business.

2. Customize your business website to holiday marketing campaigns.

Once well thought out and planned, the Christmas holiday season can be responsible for close to 30% of your annual sales. This makes it one of the best targeted times to improve and grow revenue for your business. Designing, creating and customizing your business website for holidaymakers and shoppers can be one of the most excellent ways of building a marketing campaign for the Christmas holidays.

Branding is everything. Your website has to show that you are in the mood for the festive season. Irrespective of the nature and type of your business, it is always good to move with the trending season. Fitting your website design into the season creates a sense that you understand your customers' needs at the period. It also helps inform clients of what your business offers and what they can purchase from you.

To customize your website to Christmas holiday marketing campaigns;

  • Identify great and compelling CTAs. These must be good and fit for the Christmas period.

  • Ensure that your messages are kept crystal clear for your customers and must be directly targeting them. In addition, they should include the benefits of using your products.

  • Use customized greetings for holidays to have the attention of website visitors via the live chat widget.

  • Put banners and pop-ups that have information about the site-wide sales on the entire product category.

  • Increase website loading speed. It is estimated that a single second delay could lead to a 7% drop in conversions.

3. Consider using offline channels as a great marketing campaign for the Christmas holidays.

Offline channels are one of the most remarkable ways of boosting sales for businesses. An entrepreneur, who looks into making great sales, should consider using offline channels to advertise. The offline channels include; Television and radio ads. These can help your business draw the attention of your potential existing clients and other new people.

Offline advertising helps your business to;

  • Create brand recognition and awareness for all your clients and other new people.

  • Reaches out to and communicates with a bigger audience or following. This helps to increase sales hence making your Christmas holiday marketing campaigns a success.

  • Get to your potential existing customers. It is easy to connect with your current customers through offline channels.

  • It favors the majority of the population, especially those who might not afford or find internet, for instance, those in a rural setting.

4. Improve your mobile marketing strategy

Most shoppers browse through products and services a business offers using mobile phones. More so, most people make product orders while on the go. This shows you that there is a lot of power in using mobile phones as a mobile marketing campaign strategy for the upcoming Christmas holiday season.

Findings from research prove that over 61% of the web traffic to retail websites is from mobile phones. Therefore utilizing mobile business apps for Christmas marketing campaigns can increase sales conversions and improve customer experience.

To use mobile marketing strategy for your upcoming Christmas holidays;

  • Ensure high-quality customer experience through the use of A/B.

  • Consider onsite mobile experience to optimize messaging.

5. Use video marketing for Christmas holiday promotions

Using videos to deliver a message is one of the best ways of communicating with people. Using videos allows you to market your business products and the brand(s). According to research, video marketing increases average order value. Studies show that 64% of clients say that watching marketing videos influences their decisions to buy.

To use video marketing, it's advisable to add holiday-specific messages in the campaign videos. These could be; social video ads of QuickFrame Video Intelligence like; festive webinar invite videos, videos of happy holiday cheers to clients, wacky videos and more.

To use video marketing for holiday seasons as a marketing campaign;

  • You need to establish a holiday theme

  • Shoot in high-res videos

  • And Personalize your CTAs

6. Give holiday combos to clients and improve AOV (Average Order Value).

Product quantities are a great way of making Christmas holiday sales. Product bundles are popular with customers since they give more considerable value to clients than standalone products. More so, product bundles are usually given out at a much more subsidized price than standalone products.

Offering your customers discounted product bundles helps increase the number of sales your business makes, hence boosting your business's average order value.

To have a successful marketing campaign strategy using product bundles;

Use hashtags and names across different social media channels.

  • Pair up more fantastic selling combos with their complementary products to have a better deal.

  • Promote and run ads about your product bundles across all your social media platforms.

7. Run promotions on social media

One of the most efficient ways of engaging customers and getting crazy sales deals is making promotional offers. Making promotional offers helps you get connected to your customers. Also, running promotional offers on social media enables you to get new customers and motivates the existing customers for the following activities.

To make your social media marketing campaigns in the Christmas holiday more effective and engaging, you can add CTAs asking your audience to like, share and comment. These are some of the most significant ways of running a promotional campaign. Companies and brands have used such promotional tactics to generate more sales and create awareness for their products and services.

Running promotional campaigns helps you identify your target audience to excite them to get ready for the upcoming Christmas holiday special offers. You can run your promotional offers using Twitter hashtags, share pictures on Facebook, run a festive quiz or make a wish contest.

8. Know your target audience

Identifying and knowing your target audience helps you get insights and more detailed information about them. This enables you to learn more about them and what they like. For instance, their preferred channels, how they consume the data delivered to them, and the means to consume the available information. This helps you plan better for the upcoming holiday activities and marketing campaigns.

9. Allow people to make early purchases

Allow your VIP customers and other subscribers to have access to your products before the holiday starts. This practice allows customers to make purchases ahead of time. Also, customers develop an attachment towards the business, especially if they are given a discount.

You can also improve the purchasing power of your customers by sending them discounted email marketing campaigns. You can include or attach a list of the products that have been discounted. You can do that before the holidays start and circulate the information on all your media pages where you think you can reach out to all your customers.

To make the holiday marketing campaign successful by giving early access to your customers, ensure that you;

  • Allow your loyal customers to have early access and make their best choices early enough. This improves customer experience and boosts retention.

  • Give your customers a special VIP treat. This makes them happy and keeps them coming.

  • Start making sales early as it is always said that the earlier, the better. Making sales early benefits your business, and also it makes it easy to administer and run clients' orders before the holiday kick starts.

10. Offer gifts to your customers

You can increase revenue for your business by offering gifts to customers as a marketing strategy for increasing sales during the Christmas holidays. Giving free offers to customers makes them happy and gets them into purchasing. To offer gifts, choose those that aren't expensive/ won't cost the business a loss and need no shipping costs.

Offering gifts to customers makes them feel special and helps to convert more sales.

11. Extend your holiday campaign deadlines to make more sales

Every season will always have late shoppers. Many people may be unable to do shopping due to set deadlines. How about giving such people (late shoppers) a chance to shop as well by extending your holiday campaign deadlines? To get late shoppers, businesses push deadlines for holiday marketing campaign offers.

Extending Christmas, holiday marketing campaigns helps businesses;

  • Get new customers

  • Make more sales deals

  • Improves customer relationships and betters client experience

  • Builds brand loyalty

12. Use influencers

Many brands currently use influencers for marketing their products and services. Research shows that 17% of businesses spend 50% of their marketing budget on influencers. You can use your business influencers to post many on their social channels about the upcoming promotional offers. This helps your brand to be known to other people but also allows you to generate sales.

Additionally, you can ask your influencers to create sponsored and non-promotional content that focuses on specific holidays. For example, let your influencers showcase some of your business products that are in use during the Christmas holiday season. This entices their followers and might want to try out the products hence helping the business make more sales.

Using influencers as part of your holiday marketing strategy helps to;

  • Boost sales by reaching out to so many people who may want to use your business products.

  • Increases awareness and exposure about the business, products and brands by reaching out to new people.

  • Improve website traffic, increase sales and your holiday marketing Return On Investment.

  • Boosts ad opportunities and space for brands

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