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25 Email Marketing Tips That Will Boost Your Results

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

Email marketing, quite simply put, is the act of sending commercial messages, typically to a group of people using Email. In other words, every email sent to a potential or current customer can be considered email marketing.

To know how email marketing works, it’s essential to understand the different aspects of marketing with email. The elements include; subject line, body copy, design, Call-To-Action, relevance, offer, landing page, and timing.

Marketers put a lot of effort into their work to yield results. A well-coined email copy needs to be doing its intended job. Opened, read, and converted. Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is still here to stay.

Email Marketing Tips That Will Boost Your Results

General Tips

1. Design your emails

When designing your email, focus on your message, and keep your message straightforward. We suggest you lay out all the elements of your campaign hierarchy by putting your most important information or the mail takeaways at the top such that people keep reading your email if they have a short time.

2. Encourage your readers to reply

Unlike direct email, email marketing opens up room for meaningful conversations with meaningful people interested in your business. Just throwing information to leads and clients is a waste of time, so you always make sure you always focus on these three;

  • Irresistible lines: speak to the reader directly and promise them something that stands out from the other inboxes.

  • An entertaining and distinctive voice; Just because readers open your email does not mean they are quickened to delete it. Always make sure that your message is coming from a real person who cares.

  • Targeted content; segment your content according to your demographics, making it easier to create a message that resonates with your reader's needs.

3. Make email mobile-friendly

One of the first things you do when you wake is to check your social media, including email. 40% of people check their emails on their phones. So if you're not doing this, you're missing out on clicks.

4. Make it easy to unsubscribe

It sounds like you're cutting off the conversation by giving the client a chance to move out. But, if the user wants to remove your emails and can't do it quickly, they will flag it as spam, which will cause you problems.

5. Track your data

Your results may not all have to do with your platforms and content. Keep a close eye on your data, keep a close eye on your data, like how many emails are deliverable or at what time people open their emails. These little observations will tell you the performance of your email performance.

6. Don't overwhelm your subscribers.

With all these tips, you may not want to overwhelm your subscriber's inboxes with marketing messages about everything you offer. They may get annoyed and unsubscribe.

7. Provide Value

Email marketing all comes down to your audience. Always keep something in your readers' minds about your business, whether it's educational information about your industry, operational messages about your service, or marketing messages about the products you offer.

Email Open Rate Tips

1. Divide your email lists according to buyer persona

Segmenting and dividing email lists involves categorizing your audience according to their specific needs and interests. The audience can be categorized into different groups; for instance, if you have an audience that shares mutual interests, you can put them in their group. Most people open and read emails that serve and speak to their preferences. Having your audience categorized differently helps to draft different email newsletter lists so that you can share with different target audiences depending on interests.

Having multiple email newsletter lists for the different target audiences helps boost the subscription rate from the business website visitors. In addition, it is noted that sales representatives and marketers who used segmented campaigns improved revenue for the business by about 760%.

2. Write stellar subject lines

The email subject line will either be why your email opens and converts or not. A good email subject email will pronounce a successful email campaign. Conversely, you will gain nothing from your email marketing efforts with a poor email subject email. A good email subject line should be personal, relevant and inspiring curiosity.

3. Prepare your email segments

When you write a well-prepared copy to your audience, the chances are high that you will have an email copy that converts. This, therefore, makes it relevant to segment your emails. Segmented emails fetch more clickthroughs than non-segmented emails. To have segmented emails requires you to start by segmenting your email contact list.

The segmentation criterion is usually defined by the type of the business and email marketing campaign objectives. Your email contact list can be categorized according to;

  • Demographics

  • Industry

  • Client interests

  • Source of lead

  • Contest participation

  • Sales funnel drop-off. These help you to segment your email contact lists accordingly.

Think through your customer's needs and wants and endeavor to include them in the email to motivate the reader to act on your message.

4. Run opt-in campaigns

You can craft an engaging opt-in email message and share it with your old and new contacts. You can then request your old contacts to opt-in again and find a way to do away with those who no longer respond. You can choose to do away with the emails of those that don't respond.

All you need for your growing business are engaging and active contacts that can help you boost your deliverability rate and improve the chances of having your emails shared with contacts outside your current contact database.

5. Use CTAs

Compelling CTAs motivate recipients to convert. Research shows that clients respond more quickly when short and straightforward words seduce them to take action. CTAs words include; get, order, buy, start, download, sign up here, etc. These usually compel recipients to take action. CTAs that show consumer benefits also improve conversions. These words include; free, personalized, and complementary. Call to Action words to add to your recipient's email message should;

  • Boost and improve conversions with singular and prominent CTAs

  • Use action words to motivate clicks

  • Include a color contrast and an easy-to-click CTA button to click more customers.

6. Align your email copy and the subject line

Ensure that your subject line and body text are consistent and avoid unnecessary email content. Aligning your subject line and body text by ensuring consistency earns your customers' trust. Remember to keep your business reputation by writing what your business can offer. Trustworthy messaging and emailing drives traffic into your sales funnel.

Take home critical points on how to align your email copy and the subject line;

  • Do a writing draft of your subject line after completing content

  • Keep consistent in your messaging and trust your sales funnel

  • Don't create an overwhelming compelling subject line

7. Be personal in your email messages

Most recipients hate being spoken to in a mass. Being personal in your email messages gives the message a tone of friendliness. To make your message appear unique, you have to consider using words like; you, us, or me. That kind of tone makes the message appear like it's coming from an individual and targeting the receiver.

Email messages that appear personal seem to invite customers to take action. This makes them think that you are interested in their likes and preferences, making them feel special. Don't make your email messages look corporate, write your messages like you are talking to your customers in person. This will become easy for you to connect with them.

Tips to help you write and ensure personal email messages for your customers;

  • Use plain language while talking to leads.

  • Use words that make the text appear personal, like me, you, or us

  • Make an emotional connection with masses of email contacts.

8. Customize your emails

Giving an email a personalized connection shows the recipient that you took time and thought about them. This makes the reader gain some glimmer of interest.

Including the recipient in the email improves the reader's trust and motivates them to act, making nurturing easy.

Take-home tips for personalizing emails to recipients;

  • Add your first name

  • Send messages as an individual and not a company

  • Put up email gated landing pages to collect customer names and data

  • Customize your automated triggered emails.

Getting a chance to interact and exchange with a customer is an opportunity to showcase your product and speak to a potential buyer. In addition, adding your names to the email message gains trust and confidence. This could help you elongate your conversation with a client and finally convince them to make a sale.

Email Subject Line Tips

1. Write the subject line

First things first, write the email subject line. You will be surprised at the number of marketers that send out email campaigns without subject lines. The chances are high that an email with a blank subject line will likely go unread or get lost in a cluttered inbox.

2. Test your subject lines

There is a formula to winning. First, view your recent subject line performance, or use an A/B or Multivariate testing campaign to see if different subject lines affect your open rates.

3. Keep short, precise.

It is a game of numbers - the more open rates, the higher the chances of conversions. A Marketo study found the highest average Click-To-Open rate (10.8%) happened with seven-word subject lines, closely followed by nine words (10.6%) and six words (10.1%).

4. Explore the usage of emojis

When you know your way around emojis, the conversation gets more beautiful and descriptive. You should use no more than one emoji at a time. Rather than use emojis to replace words, use them to complement each other.

PS: Different operating systems render different versions of emojis, so it’s essential to test.

5. Avoid the 'no-reply' sender name

While personalization applies to your customers, you ought to adopt it and put it into practice as a business. Customers love to have interactions with people on the other side - your selling side.

Your customers' frustration is the same you will experience when you call a company and be answered by the programmed answering BOTs.

6. Punctuation is key

It would be best if you watched the language you are using in your email campaign. For instance - Using all caps may get someone’s attention, but in the wrong way. It’s the digital equivalent of yelling. Your job is to make the email as easy as possible for the recipient to read rather than giving them anxiety, says Leonov, a VP at email management service SaneBox.

7. Personalization

Incorporating personalization techniques into email subject lines is another way to increase open rates. For example, research has shown that emails that included the recipient's first name in their subject line had higher click-through rates than emails that did not. Another personalization tactic that works is to tailor subject lines to the recipient's location.

8. Highlight your value

Clients make up their minds quickly about emails. Specify the value your company will give the particular subscriber and pique their interest early. Hiding this value in the email body rather than putting it openly in the subject line will work against your email marketing strategies.

9. Avoid spam keywords

If your email subject line is more inclined to make pitches and quick sales, chances are it will be deleted or worse - marked as spam and unsubscribed to.

10. Language is key

People scan and browse through their email inboxes quickly, looking for something that will arouse their interest. Therefore, it is prudent you use concise and simple-to-understand language rather than complex and flowery. In addition, make sure the benefits or purposes for the email are well outlined.

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