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Common Mistakes With CRM

As the business grows and expands with more customers, CRM systems help to make a more efficient sales process. First, however, an efficient CRM system must be implemented to ensure that everything goes right.

CRM has been around for a while, and companies have continuously used the system to automate business processes successfully. Much as you could have used the system before or have watched someone else use it doesn't guarantee you the expertise or the tech know-how to choose the suitable CRM for your business.

Choosing the right CRM for your business can be a little bit tricky much you might have knowledge and understanding of the system. Unfortunately, very many people make mistakes and then choose the wrong system. As a result, they get disappointed in the system, especially when the expected results are not met.

Common Mistakes Businesses Make With CRM

1. Failing to integrate the CRM system with other tools and applications

To make the best out of your CRM investment, you have to integrate it with other systems and software applications. Companies that integrate their CRM systems with other applications, for instance, integration of Gmail with CRM, gain much more revenue for the business than companies that don't.

MonkeyPesa CRM integrates your business systems with your website email, Gmail, outlook and social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.

2. Ignoring the impact of CRM end-users

Most companies introduce systems that don't involve the back end-users (employees). This is terrible because if the system becomes productive and yields revenue, it must be used appropriately, but who will use it if the back end-users are left out? However, if the back end-users are not considered, they are most likely to resist change, thus putting the system to waste.

To successfully implement a CRM system in a company, employees, especially the back end-users, should get fully involved before implementing the system.

Let the people involved in using the CRM be in the system from the initial phase. Then, endeavor to exhaustively explain how it will be of value to the employees and the company as a whole. Then, with your employees in a discussion, focus on proving to them how the system will help the organization meet some of its goals like; improving revenue generation, cutting costs, automating business processes and saving time for employees to engage in other revenue-generating activities.

3. Failing to integrate the CRM system social media

Digital evolution is driving the world to another level, and currently, several businesses have gone social. However, some companies ignore integrating the CRM system with social which is not suitable for the company's health. It is, therefore, essential to have your CRM system combined with all your social media interaction pages, especially the ones where you can easily engage with customers. Also, it is essential for companies to actively interact with their customers and engage them through various company social media platforms, for instance, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and more.

Interacting with customers actively aids in getting essential customer insights and enhances the relationship between the customers and the business itself. This promotes a good customer experience and benefits the company in the long run through continuous purchase support and customer referrals.

4. Implementing a CRM system without mobile optimization (On-Premise CRM)

CRM systems in companies are commonly used for three functions; sales, marketing, and customer care service. Companies' most significant challenge is having field sales representatives use the system. Most CRM systems that companies use are designed to be desktop/office systems. Therefore, these are used in offices rather than the mobile jobs for people who are always on the go, for instance, sales representatives.

To gain better productivity, companies need to start appreciating and implementing cloud or web-based CRM systems that can easily integrate with the current tools and applications while providing real-time updates regarding phone calls, customer text messages, customer visits to offices, and scheduled appointments.

5. Taking on a CRM system that can't scale as the business expands

Quite often, businesses choose CRM systems that can only cater to the company's current state. Therefore, the system may only be enough for the state of the industry at the start. However, the system may not hold up all customer information as the business expands. If customers accumulate and the number of orders increases, the CRM might be insufficient. You then need to find another CRM system that can accommodate essential customer data while factoring in the future expansion of the business.

6. Failure to establish metrics for measuring success

In some cases, companies put in place systems without formulating strategies for measuring the system's success. Some even don't mind setting goals they want to realize with the system.

To succeed with CRM, you should put in place systems that can be easily monitored and measured regularly. At the end of a quarter or a specified time, you can evaluate and determine the impact of the system on the success of the business. Additionally, set goals that you would like your system to achieve and monitor them to determine if the set goals were met.

7. Undefined business processes

Quite often, when companies put in place a CRM system, they think they have done it all. Well, that's not the actual reality; you still have to figure out the accurate picture that shows each customer's journey. CRM can still store and hold up customer information, such as contact details, sales opportunities, support tickets and more. You are also supposed to know how that information relates to each other. The visual tool helps personalize your CRM and take full advantage of its functionality.

8. Over ambitiousness

When companies buy a new system, sometimes the employees and other end users get overwhelming excited and expect too much from the new system. In some cases, companies set many goals and then start using features that scare away and confuse the first-time users of the system or those that are not used to it.

This might lower the user adoption rate and cause resistance to change in some cases. To, therefore, keep CRM users happy and also harvest a good return on investment, you may need to put out a multi-step plan that offers value in a short-lived period. This way, you are more likely to increase user adoption.

9. Failure to have a consistent culture of using the CRM system

At times companies lack a culture of using the CRM system. Companies lack a guide on referring to accounts and have redundant entries for accounts. When such redundancy persists, sales representatives might ignore utilizing the system and start entering customer data manually using spreadsheets which is hectic and time-consuming.

This means that reps will lose focus on other sales and marketing activities vital revenue entries for the organization. Also, when employees start ignoring using the system, the money injected into procuring the plan was put to waste, yet it could have been put to use in any other better way.

10. Too much information or information overload

When you have records for specific details, it becomes easy for the sales team to feed in the information. However, if the forms overwhelm, then you risk the system bogging down. When acquiring customer details and relevant information, entering the most crucial information about each contact person or customer is essential. Therefore, sales reps can always fill out other fields only when necessary.

MonkeyPesa CRM

MonkeyPesa CRM is in the bracket of an all-in-one business automation tool. From sales marketing, automation or customer support. With the devotion to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), MonkeyPesa is a user-friendly tool. The pricing, features, analytics, easy-to-interpret dashboard make it ideal for you.

The CRM aids businesses to get prospects, insights, converts more leads to become customers and manages with customers across several channels. At the same time, they go through the selling process.

The services offered include; Sales pipeline management which helps companies to sell faster and get more prospects into the business. The invoicing and billing system allows track time, generating invoices, Pro-forma invoices, quotes, and getting much more money faster. And the real estate system helps real estate companies to acquire property, landlord management, tenant and the necessary automation.

MonkeyPesa CRM Features:

  • Team collaboration

  • Contact management

  • Pipeline management

  • Data security

  • Insights, analytics and reports

  • Human Resource and payroll

  • Inventory and stores

  • Bulk SMS and emailing

  • Sales Automation

  • Marketing Automation

Accessible Communication is a giant step into maintaining good relationships with clients. Strong relationships generate more sales and support, improve client satisfaction, and even reduce business expenses.

A closed buyer is just as vital as a new lead. MonkeyPesa CRM allows you to create charges based on a prospect’s information, schedule calls for them at any point in time, take notes based on our interactions, and easily save and organize that data for future use. In a nutshell, you are moving a sales lead, or prospect from one stage of your sales funnel to the next.

The MonkeyPesa CRM allows you to add contacts manually or upload files. Because the goal is to have streamlined communication in the sales process, you do not have to open another platform to make calls with your clients and prospects. The dashboard enables calls. In addition, all these interactions are captured in case you need to make clarifications and references.

Social Media is a very relevant tool of sales and marketing today. Every passing day, there is a new social media channel your clients and prospects sign up for. MonkeyPesa provides a centralized location for all your social media interactions — tweets, posts, reels, videos, comments, replies, Direct Messages.

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