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  • Writer's pictureSsemujju Lewis E

Email Marketing For Travel and Aviation

Email marketing is the most prominent kind of marketing in the aviation industry. Aviation email marketing software gives operational support to airlines, airports, and fixed-base operators like taxi services, cafes, and other airport service providers to boost fleet and crew management.

The travel industry can use and capitalize on omnichannel marketing throughout the customer journey - reminders on flight plans and best deals on restaurants and hotels.

According to research led by Ryan and Jones in 2009, by using emails for marketing strategy, companies can easily segment the target lists, which will allow them to focus on targeted campaigns for customers, where the ratio of customer response is high.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) expects overall traveler numbers to reach 4.0 billion in 2024 (counting multi-sector connecting trips as one passenger), exceeding pre-COVID-19 levels (103% of the 2019 total). The competition in this market keeps growing, and you need a strong email marketing strategy to bolster relationships with your audience.

What email marketing does for the travel industry and aviation

It goes without saying that every marketer needs a strategy to pull off a stellar and successful campaign. An email marketing strategy requires significant planning and forethought. By dedicating time to planning your email marketing strategy, you can meet your goals more effectively and create the best campaigns possible.

From these campaigns, you can be able to boost sales, increase brand awareness, and build trust and rapport with your clients. Here is how email marketing can be used by the travel industry:

1. List Management

Building an email list does not mean you have to collect Emails one at a time and send emails to subscribers one at a time.

Segmenting and dividing email lists involves categorizing your audience according to their specific needs and interests. Most people open and read emails that serve and speak to their preferences.

Developing an email newsletter list is a good marketing strategy that can get you heavy conversions once done as annual practice. Having an email subscriber list is one thing; whether the email sent are open or not is another thing. Your email open rate gives you a picture of how our email marketing strategy works out.

2. Automate Interactions

Develop drip campaigns to queue up customers for the next step of their journey. An email drip campaign is a series of automated emails that you send out to your email list subscribers based on a specific set of predetermined parameters.

Leverage cookies to trigger campaigns based on specific behavior, like leaving a package in their cart. This speaks to personalization and targeted emails.

3. Collect Feedback

  • Request reviews from your audience after their experience.

  • Enable feedback forms and surveys to learn what to offer next.

4. Design Great Campaign Emails

An incredible email marketing copy feeds the business with the profits it needs. But, thinking about your email marketing copy, does it give you the profits you need? How do you get to your clients?

5. Newsletters

Developing an email newsletter list is a good marketing strategy that can get you heavy conversions once done as annual practice. An email newsletter list is a robust list of people you send emails to.

You can choose how often you will be publishing the newsletter weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. In addition, the newsletter provides other curated materials, tips, and other than your products and services. This is valuable information to subscribers.

  • Promotional: upselling, new product announcements, webinar invitations

  • Behavioral: welcome newsletters, “we miss you” emails, cart abandonment

  • Informational: CEO updates, Terms of Service

6. Create A Customer Loyalty Program

A reward system for potential clients is a great way to keep them returning. The simplest and most popular loyalty programs use a point system: customers earn loyalty points every time they buy from the brand. Then, when accumulated, these points earn them a reward, e.g., discounts, special client treatment, and freebies. Another loyalty program is a card-based system where customers get rewarded for loading up and spending money through the card. With a loyalty program that rewards customers with monetary or non-monetary gifts, people will feel compelled to keep coming back.

7. Share valuable content

Marketing content is what draws customers and potential buyers. It acts as the first point of contact long before a salesperson steps in. But, it is not only used by the marketing department. Salespeople utilize the marketing content as they go about their Fintech. Therefore, marketing content should first be evaluated before it is put out, and these are some of the areas that should be given a core focus.

  • What content is available?

  • What content should be used for marketing?

  • Who should use this content first?

  • Where should this content be used?

  • Why is this content preferred over the other?

  • Will this content give us the best we expect out of it?

  • Finally, is there anything left untouched?

Both teams should evaluate to ensure there is no contradicting information. Some studies have found out that sales teams, at times, create their information, and honestly, this would impact your performance in the market.

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