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Everything You Need To Know About Email

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Have you used email before? Let us talk! Some people say they find using email easy, while others find it difficult. This comes down to personal experience.

An email is a short form of electronic mail. Email usage is a way of sending and receiving mail through the internet. An email can be sent or delivered in just a short period, depending on your connection strength.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages, and we are going to take a deep look at the benefits of emails; here we go;

Advantages of emails

1. Can be easily reached anywhere and anytime

Using email doesn't tie you to using a specific device. However, you need to know your email address and password to log in to any device and then access all your emails.

2. Easily manageable

Using email is something easy. Email service providers give you a chance to use tools that can help you manage your emails quickly.

3. Way to get to web services

With an email address, you can easily access web services because they require you to log in before accessing them. In addition, these services like the play store social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn require an email before being granted access.

4. Assurance in regards to privacy

If someone sends you an email, it is only sent to your email and not anyone’s else: thus giving you the confidence of assured privacy. Furthermore, people can only access your email if they know your user name or account and password; anything beyond not knowing your account or password, one can’t access your emails and your email privacy.

5. Free, easy, and comprehensive communication

While using email, you can communicate with multiple people at once. It saves time.

6. Instruments to use

Emails are always designed to allow some other tools, such as calendars, instant messaging, and address books; these can be helpful in one way or the other. For example, you can use calendars to set reminder dates for certain activities.

7. Communication is easy and fast

Communicating using emails is not just easy but also fast and instant. This is key for business productivity as well as increasing sales.

While some people mostly enjoy using email addresses for communication, others have found difficulties in using them, and these have been graded as disadvantages. These include;

1. Information overload

There can be a case of information overload with emails, especially if so many emails are coming in simultaneously. Thus, your email account might become hard to manage as time goes by.

2. Emails should be kept short and precise.

It is recommended that emails be kept short. Therefore, it would look irresponsible if someone typed very long or sent a very long email address. Furthermore, it seems unfavorable, especially on the sender's side, if they can't send all the information they want at once because of that limitation.

3. Can quickly spread viruses from one device to another

Emails usually contain viruses meaning that if the sender’s device has a virus, then the receiver’s device is also at a high risk of getting the virus which may eat up all the receiver’s information and documents once the virus is acquired.

How to set up an email account

• To set up an email account, you first need to choose a username; this could be your first name or last name; additionally, you need to have a password you will use in mind and one that you won't forget. Passwords usually require a mixture of letters, characters, figures, numbers, and symbols. This is done to avoid easy hacking by internet fraudsters.

• Then google, search for g-mail or yahoo, tap on it and go to the google account page; you will see two words appear that are sign in (for those with accounts already) and create an account (for those without accounts).

• Then click create account

• Enter your name

• Enter your username in the “username” field. An example is

• Enter your password for the first time and then enter for the second time to confirm

• Then click next, then you will be asked to add your phone number and verify it for your account.

• Then click next, and you will receive a notification that the email account setup process is finished or complete.

• If you already have an account, you will enter your username and password, then click sign in.

Sending and receiving emails

• Before you send or receive an email address, you need to have an active account with any mail service provider, whether G-mail, Yahoo or Outlook.

• If you want to send an email, you will need first to draft it. Open your G-mail or yahoo account, then click on the word compose, fill in the recipients' name ( the person you will send the email to). If you are sending to many, you click on the arrow in the same line with the recipient’s name but facing down; it provides an option for adding a copy (CC) and BCC if you send it out to many people.

• Add the subject to the email in the subject line

• Then move down to compose an email, and when you are done writing up your email with regards and names included at the bottom, you click on the word send.

• If you have documents to attach you click on a symbol shaped like paper clips, click on it, it will show you attach files, then select all the files you want to attach, wait for them to load fully, and when they are done loading you can get the go-ahead to click send.

• When the message is sent, you will receive a notification showing you that “message sent.”

Regarding receiving emails, the sender enters your name as the recipient, adds the subject, composes the email, and clicks send. When you receive the email, you will see the sender's names and the subject first, usually in the form of an email notification. When you open the entire email message, you can see the whole body and everything else included.

There are three leading webmail providers: Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook. However, there are other email providers, but this usually depends on the industry like schools, university institutions, organizations, government entities, and so much more.

Coming to an end, we say that there is a lot that you might need to know about emails; however, these are these common email basics you need to know especially if you are beginning to use email or learning how to use emails.

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