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  • Writer's pictureSsemujju Lewis E

Guide on How to Segment Email Lists for Your Business

When you write a well-prepared copy for your audience, the chances are high that you will have an email copy that converts. This, therefore, makes it relevant to segment your emails. Segmented emails fetch more clicks than non-segmented emails. To have segmented emails requires you to start segmenting your email contact list.

The segmentation criterion is usually defined by the type of business and email marketing campaign objectives.

Your email contact list can be categorized according to the following;

  • Demographics

  • Industry

  • Client interests

  • Source of lead

  • Contest participation

  • Sales funnel drop-off. These help you to segment your email contact lists accordingly.

Consider your customer's needs and wants and endeavor to include them in the email to motivate the reader to act on your message.

The best email list segmentation practices

1. Choose the right email marketing tool

Software like MonkeyPesa is ideal for your email marketing. MonkeyPesa will help you create responsive designs, customize messages, deliver emails to inboxes, trigger automation, and connect with new and existing customers.

2. Track your data

Your results may not all have to do with your platforms and content. Keep a close eye on your data, like how many emails are delivered or when people open their emails. These little observations will tell you the performance of your email performance.

3. Use Email Open Rate

Use information about your subscriber’s open rate to segment subscribers who frequently engage with your emails vs. those who engage less frequently. An email open rate indicates the number of subscribers that open up a particular email you send compared to your mailing list's total number of subscribers.

4. Remember to refer to subscribers' preferences

Pay attention to your subscribers’ preferences—give your contacts what they ask for, and don’t send them what they don’t want. If you collect data based on preferred email frequency and email types, take the time to create segments for these.

5. Bring back the inactive customers

If you have to, reduce the number of emails sent to inactive customers or reduce them if they've been receiving many. For subscribers who have been inactive for longer, you may want to send out a targeted email to see if they still want to hear from you or if they’d rather unsubscribe. And at a certain point, you may want to remove subscribers who have been inactive for a long time.

6. Purchase History

Use your customer’s purchase history to offer cross-sells or up-sells. For example, the Dollar Shave Club sends you an email before the box you ordered is set to ship while you still have a chance to add on more items. Why not toss in a few more while you’re at it?

7. Nurture leads in the sales funnel

Depending on where people are in the lead generation funnel, they must receive different emails. For example, nurture a "warm leads" segment with product benefits, "getting to know us" campaigns, and nudges to set up a call with your sales team. Meanwhile, established customers might fall into another segment on this list, like regular buyers or inactive readers.

8. Respond to changes in behaviors

Someone was buying from you regularly, and then they stopped. What gives? Test out some re-engagement strategies on a segment list for customers with prior purchase history that trailed off six months ago. Try sending more significant discounts than you would to other customers, or even survey them and see what's changed for your research.

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