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  • Writer's pictureSsemujju Lewis E

Here's Why Your Emails Are Going To Spam

Spam content is at the helm of reasons why your emails are not being delivered. If your email subject line is more inclined to make pitches and quick sales, it will be deleted or, worse - marked as spam and unsubscribed. Spam filters try to identify content that violates email providers' policies. They use algorithms to identify words or phrases spammers use and look out for bad headers and bulky attachments.

In 2022, nearly 49% of emails sent worldwide were identified as spam. While most of that is spam, many legitimate emails get caught up in spam filters, too, so there’s a chance that the missing email excuse is legitimate.

How to prevent emails from going to spam

1. Personalize the message

Email personalization is when marketers use the information provided to them by their clients and craft messages tailor-made for particular individuals.

They may not say it, but your clients hate being spoken to in a mass. Being personal in your email messages gives the message a tone of friendliness. Consider using words like you, us or me to make your message appear unique. That kind of tone makes the message appear like it's coming from an individual and targeting the receiver.

Email messages that appear personal seem to invite customers to take action. This makes them think you are interested in their likes and preferences, making them feel special. Don't make your email messages look corporate, write your messages like you are talking to your customers in person. This will become easy for you to connect with them.

Tips to help you write and ensure personal email messages for your customers;
  • Use plain language while talking to leads.

  • Use words that make the text appear personal, like me, you or us

  • Make an emotional connection with masses of email contacts.

2. Avoid spam keywords

If your email subject line is more inclined to make pitches and quick sales, it will likely be deleted or worse - marked as spam and unsubscribed.

3. Run opt-in campaigns

You can craft an engaging opt-in email message and share it with your old and new contacts. You can then request your old contacts to opt in again and find a way to do away with those who no longer respond. You can do away with the emails of those who don't respond.

All you need for your growing business are engaging and active contacts that can help you boost your deliverability rate and improve the chances of sharing your emails with contacts outside your current contact database.

4. Include the Opt-Out Option Clearly

This is a highly advised practice. It is possible that the customers will get tired of getting your emails. So make it easy for them to stop your email messaging.

You should include unsubscribing information for transactional messages like shipping updates or appointment reminders. Not everyone wants to get these kinds of details by text.

5. Segment Your Emails

When you write a well-prepared copy for your audience, the chances are high that you will have an email copy that converts. This, therefore, makes it relevant to segment your emails. Segmented emails fetch more clicks than non-segmented emails. To have segmented emails requires you to start segmenting your email contact list.

The type of business and email marketing campaign objectives usually defines the segmentation criterion.

Your email contact list can be categorized according to the following;

  • Demographics

  • Industry

  • Client interests

  • Source of lead

  • Contest participation

  • Sales funnel drop-off. These help you to segment your email contact lists accordingly.

Consider your customer's needs and wants and endeavour to include them in the email to motivate the reader to act on your message.

6. Authenticate Your Domain

According to a Litmus study, one of the top sources for email marketing statistics, less than 40% of brands use three effective methods of email authentication: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

Authenticating your domain helps tell your email clients who you are rather than a spammer.

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