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  • Writer's pictureSsemujju Lewis E

How Marketing Automation Can Drive More Sales

Marketing automation refers to advanced technology that automatically controls all marketing activities through advanced machines/technology.

With marketing automation, everything is done by software or a set of tools. This goes in tandem with quick replies, quick actions, quick responses to customers’ queries, quick updates to customers in case of any changes in the services or products offered, and any other essential communication regarding the company itself.

Marketing automation simplifies and shortens the marketing process seamlessly. As a result, communication and conversions happen a lot quicker.

Marketing automation is what marketing automation does to get your email, deliver web information automatically, and send social and text messages to your customers through workflows.

Marketers and sales personnel commonly use marketing automation to control a company’s online marketing activities. For example, campaigns help reduce the chances of human errors and an excellent labor-saving technique that maximizes efficiency and effectiveness, thus delivering maximum revenue for the company-the overall goal. If you need to measure your return rate on investment, you have Marketing automation at your disposal; it's timely, cost-saving, and grows the organization/business as fast as possible because promotions are provided for, aids with lead generation and scores. Of course, a good company goes along with good marketing automation.

How Marketing Automation Can Drive More Sales

Businessmen and women keep wondering why they should use marketing automation. Marketing automation has many associated benefits, and these include;

1. Boosts the effectiveness of sales teams and sales cycles

It's easy to identify a qualified lead through progressive web form profiling, lead scoring, visitor tracking intelligence, email marketing, and CRM integrations. This aids in reducing time wastage and makes the process of selling easier.

2. Improves the efficiency of the marketing function

Marketing automation helps to convert leads on the landing pages at a higher rate, automates processes and nurtures leads, social media management, and improves client management.

3. Saves time and money through automation of manual activities

Marketing automation aids you automate marketing administration tasks which would be time-consuming and tiresome. The activities include; ensuring that marketing lists are kept safe and in one place, sending customized emails to people (intended customers), managing campaigns, reporting, updating CRM software systems, and other tasks.

4. Delivers better targeted and relevant messaging in your demand generation program.

Marketing automation allowed you to use segmentation and programmed campaigns to send better messaging to your customers depending on their interests. Again, this is done to enhance customer relationships.

5. Easy Decisions Are Made

As has been said, marketing automation software feeds on data. The numbers and information in the software help management and business managers to make decisions that benefit their companies. These decisions are made from an informed point of view, powered by marketing automation software.

6. Boosts close rates through sales automation

Marketing automation helps to improve the rate at which sales deals are closed. Marketing automation software enables you to identify the lead's stage in the sales process, making following up easy. Knowing the lead's stage in the sales funnel lets you choose what content to market to convert to buying or make quicker purchasing decisions.

7. Maintains close customer relationships

Customers are the most important people who form your business's most significant part. Therefore, you need to allocate time. Don’t get lost in cost savings and the time you utilize during marketing automation. Instead, try to make time for your customers.

You can find marketing automation tools to find time to engage with your customers. This will help to form more meaningful relationships with your customers. Note that the more time you allocate customers, the more they get engaged and feel part of the business. This doesn’t not only help to maintain and retain customers but also attracts continuous support.

8. Divide your clients or audience into different sections

Diving up customers into different and well-defined groups could be necessary to use efficient marketing automation strategies. Diving up customers into other groups helps you know where to market what information so that each customer finds information that suits their business needs. Just in case you don’t have the time to do the segmentation yourself. There are many different real estate marketing automation software tools to make the action complete and achievable.

Additionally, before doing the segmentation, it is essential to understand your target; client’s business background so that each client is placed in divisions where they best belong and benefit.

9. Make use of lead magnets

Lead magnets are essential to help you count your automated marketing procedures as a success while closing deals. Lead magnet triggers could be; a customer will exchange their email address with you.

An effective marketing automation software should help you craft chains of lead magnets. Lead magnets deal with different types of customers. This means they can generate content depending on the nature of the customer, the interests and the kind of business they are running. This helps to improve customer experience and also helps to retain customers hence closing more deals.

10. Lets you utilize sales funnels

Understanding your sales funnel is everything. Knowing your sales funnel is one of the ways of running an effective marketing automation strategy. A sales funnel includes various levels that a customer has to go through before deciding to buy; going through the sales funnels stages before automation allows you to focus your automation tools on closing more sales deals.

Marketing automation software tools include;

MonkeyPesa: MonkeyPesa possesses an email marketing service that helps you build an email list. You can use your email marketing service to manage your email list in one place. It will also allow you to create email campaigns and send them to your email list at once.

Marketo: Marketo is a B2B marketing automation leader that offers content personalization, experience automation, marketing data environment, marketing impact analytics, sales partnership, cross channel engagement and more. Marketo simplifies a customer's journey, which fastens the deals' rate. is an automated messaging platform for tech-savvy marketers who want more control and flexibility to create and deliver data-driven emails, push notifications and SMS messages.

Constant Contact: Constant Contact is a marketing automation software that makes your business smart. Constant Contact helps you launch email marketing campaigns to engage clients, craft awesome websites, uploads products to online stores, create awareness on social media and improve sales with Google Ads.

HubSpot: HubSpot, email marketing software, helps manage customer data like; emails, recording calls and meetings. Also, the software works the sales pipeline and aids sales personnel to keep monitoring customer contacts and deals. The software helps to monitor performance since it gives insight into sales activities.

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