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How To Build A Cold Email Template

Getting conversions through an ice-cold email can sometimes be a little bit hectic. However, you can build businesses, make land sales and achieve your goals if you master a cold email.

A cold email is sent to a client who doesn't have any existing connection to you. A cold email is just a one-on-one between the receiver and the sender or a personal conversation between two people.

Cold emails usually include; your name, contact information, personalized content for the recipient, specific requests, and conversation starter or ice breaker.

Cold emails are usually shared amongst small businesses or individuals to public figures. These don't always have commercial intentions. To send a cold email, you must ensure that it addresses the recipient directly, must be highly specific and relevant, and must mention a common contact.

How To Build A Cold Email Template

To have a catchy cold email that will help you earn good conversions, you must commit yourself to several things. In this article, we have generated guidelines that explain how you can build a cold email template.

1. Double-check the “from” line of the email message

The “from” line is that part of the email that shows the names of the mail sender. The “from” line is as essential as the entire body in the email message since it handles a significant role of showing the recipient who sent the message.

The “from” line is what gets the first impression of the receiver, and then the receiver decides whether to open it or not. Being a stranger to people you contact, you need to eliminate suspicion and ensure that you earn the client's trust by crafting a good “from” line. Therefore, it is advisable to always review the “from” line before clicking the send button so that you correct mistakes and put things right. Just in case there is anything faulty.

A mix and match of the “from” line is another good way of capturing the prospect's attention, especially when you are doing a new email campaign. However, having a similar “from” line every time you are doing a new campaign may seem so familiar to the prospects and might turn out to be boring in the end. Therefore, a mix and match are highly recommended to avoid such cases.

Here are examples of mixing and matching the “from” line;
  • From Jefferson

  • From Jefferson Mathews

  • From Jefferson Mathews at Monkeypesa limited.

These three are different and may not be familiar every time you send out a new marketing campaign to the recipient. This might therefore keep them interested.

To get the best of the “from” line, ensure consistency in your writing, factor in your leads' perception, craft a line that gets into your prospects' expectations. And finally, think of whom your prospects would be the keenest talking to.

2. Craft an enticing subject line

Your subject line is a key to opening your email message. Successful email messages opened and read by the intended receivers heavily rely on the subject line. Your subject line acts as a speaker for the entire body of the email message, so you have to make a perfect one. Pay kin attention to the subject line of the message you will send out to the recipients.

Writing and testing whether different email subject lines would work for you is very important since it helps you get a line of options to choose from, much as it might be tiresome and time-consuming. You must craft a subject line that is exciting and will trigger the receiver to open and read the email message; otherwise, a poorly written email might bias the recipient before they open it.

Ensure that your subject line is short, compelling, and informative and must speak to the body of the email message.

3. Customize your email message to the recipients

Personalizing email messages is one of the most effective ways of building and writing cold email messages that convert. Research has shown that personalized email messages convert at a much faster rate than random messages.

Prospects attach so much value to personalized messages since it makes them feel as though the message is directed to them. This could convince them to open and read the message and understand what it entails. Endeavor to prove to the recipient that contacting them was intentional. Assure them that you aren’t a spammer who sends random messages.

4. Write a compelling introduction

You know you are almost getting it right when you have a perfect “from” line and an outstanding subject line. First, however, a good email introduction is critical as the first two aspects discussed earlier.

An excellent cold email introduction refers to the recipient's company, achievements, work and expertise. Remember to keep professional with the words you use but catchy. The opening is not expected to go beyond 2-3 sentences.

In the introductory sentences, you can ask about some of the challenges a person or business faces or briefly discuss those you have identified and how you intend to address them.

Maximize the introduction and use it to prove to your audience that the message was intentional with research, and deliberate decisions were made. This way, you will have a cold email to help you earn conversions.

5. Include an offer in your message

Leads need to get enticed to respond. One of the ways you can achieve that is by mentioning an offer in your email message and stating what offer you are precisely making. You can also include a Call to Action statement that encourages and attracts prospects to take action.

You can freely share with your prospects how your previous clients benefited from your offers and how happy they were because of your offers. To encourage your audience to take up the offer, you can add relevant numbers and statistics to show your prospects how much you are offering. That will make your request more exciting, and people will be attracted to come for it hence increasing conversions in the long run.

6. Ensure that claims are backed by social proof

There are so many risks in selling, and these tend to become hindrances to making conversions. All customers want to work with credible and recognized companies with prior experience in the field. That's why talking and sharing about the background of your previous customers is essential. Communicating with your prospects about the achievements and the actions you delivered to your last customers makes them feel that risks are limited and could get them convinced to work with you.

To avail more evidence to your target audience, you can attach a customer case or a referral study detailing what you did for them and how they appreciate your work. You can as well add client reviews of your work and their ratings. This will provide evidence to your prospects that your deliverables are tangible, and they will be converted to make orders and make purchases. The more conversions you make, the more profits and revenue you gain.

7. Write an email copy that feels natural and human to the recipient

While crafting an email to your audiences, ensure that the email has been written in a suitable format with a friendly tone. Much as it might be an official and business email, could you not make it look so severe? Emails that appear too formal sound stiff and make you sound more like a salesperson, yet selling might not even be part of your intentions.

Make an effort to use less aggressive words in the subject line and the entire body of the message. The words you choose to use must be in the same line as the buyer’s stage in the sales process/journey. And above all, it is advisable to first read through the entire email message before sending it to the recipients so that you can clarify mistakes in case there are any. And also to make sure that the email has a natural tone and flows well with the reader.

8. Ensure that there is value in your pitch to the prospect.

A pitch involves telling a recipient what you want from them or your expectations. If you are to pitch your prospects by the products and the services you offer, ensure that you have spiced up benefits so that a customer gets a clear idea of what they will gain from your business.

A catchy pitch is where you write an email with intentions of selling, but you start it to begin a unique business relationship with a customer. This approach seems to be a little more personal when you are writing a pitching email to a customer endeavor to prove that they will benefit. Because that’s what customers want to see and hear.

Put your prospects at the center of your pitch and provide them with much value; for instance, you can discuss ways to address some of the challenges they are facing. Briefly discuss how the prospect will gain from your business and avoid discussing what your business can offer. Don't sound like you are convincing and coercing them to buy your products or services, but rather show them the benefits. Let the conversation in the message be natural and continue the first interactions.

9. Polish your email signature

An email signature is an integral part of the email message that one wouldn’t ignore. Email signature informs your audience about your location, the company names, and how best they can contact you. This is crucial in building an excellent, cold email template.

A well-thought-out and clearly defined email signature shortens the email body thus making the message more understandable and transparent.

To make an excellent and valuable email signature ensure that;

  • The email signature makes you look trustworthy

  • Strictly add what is necessary

  • Don't congest the signature

  • Make a neat and clean HTML

About Email Marketing With MonkeyPesa CRM

MonkeyPesa CRM is in the bracket of an all-in-one business automation tool. From sales marketing, automation or customer support. With the devotion to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), MonkeyPesa is a user-friendly tool. The pricing, features, analytics, easy-to-interpret dashboard make it ideal for you.

The CRM aids businesses to get prospects, insights, converts more leads to become customers and manages with customers across several channels. At the same time, they go through the selling process.

MonkeyPesa possesses an email marketing service that helps you build an email list. You can use your email marketing service to manage your email list in one place. It will also allow you to create email campaigns and send them to your email list at once.

Furthermore, the software will enable you to create a lead magnet incentive. You can create several lead magnets like free books, free courses, free trials. This helps to draw more people to join your email listing. Thus, email marketing opens up room for meaningful conversations with meaningful people interested in your business.

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