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  • Writer's pictureSsemujju Lewis E

How To Combine Social Media And Email Marketing

Social media can be one of the best marketing platforms for businesses or websites. According to Buzzsumo, facebook’s reach to its users has fallen. So now you must pay to boost each post you publish and get a few likes or clicks. This makes you wonder if it's worth your time and money. It is. The numbers on social media don't lie.

When you’re a valuable lead magnet, you can create a landing page to showcase your offer and convert your visitors into lead magnets. This can be done by sharing your link to your landing page on your social media and a link from your guest post to drive emails to your landing page. If you choose to use inbound marketing, you must use social media.

Email marketing is an efficient tool to increase sales and grow your business in all industries. Research shows that email marketing campaigns achieve an engagement rate of 22.86% compared to a 0.6% social media engagement rate. Email marketing is one of the most important marketing strategies and forms entrepreneurs should consider to reach the target audience.

In some cases, entrepreneurs find challenges when using email marketing to get leads and improve sales. This usually depends on your email marketing strategy to build meaningful relationships with your clients and subscribers.

Embedding social media share into a well-directed email marketing campaign will open up a wide range of brand awareness, expanding opportunities. And MonkeyPesa can help in this endeavor.

Here are a few more reasons for combining social media sharing with email:
  • Embedding social media share immediately extends the reach of the current campaign.

  • As the targeted audience opens their email, likes what they see and shares their excellent new find on social media, the email list expands into the next email campaign.

  • The social media share allows for additional analytical metrics to be gathered, enabling the production of a directed short list of the most effective emails for the next send-out.

It is helpful to be clear on the difference between social sharing and social connections to maximize the success of a directed social media and email campaign. Social sharing is when the email marketer includes a button so the recipient can share the email or a specific block with their friends or followers. On the other hand, social connections are when an email marketer, blogger or website asks for their subscribers to like their Facebook page, follow them on Twitter or subscribe to their YouTube channel.

An email marketing suite alone may answer the average Internet business plan. On the other hand, current marketing research concludes that an integrated all-out social media and email campaign will produce a solid return. Run a search on any search engine, and over 140 million articles on social media marketing strategies will be found. The following is a streamlined list of ways to integrate email marketing and social media for maximum impact:

  • Embed Social Share access prominently within the email once, possibly twice, depending on the length of the email, mainly if it is directed towards subscribers.

  • Emails sent out to subscribers should specifically ask that they share the content.

  • Depending on the targeted action response desired from the email campaign, adding an incentive for the recipient to share with their social media network may be beneficial.

  • On the other side of the social media marketing question, if a well-established social network has been developed, it should be used to ask for email subscribers.

  • Another technique is highlighting a tweet and asking your recipients to re-tweet.

  • Integrate an email sign-up form in a promotional Facebook page.

  • Create an exclusive social group for your email subscribers.

How to Combine Email Marketing and Social Media

1. Email list growth through social platforms

If email marketing has the highest ROI of any social platform, it’s vital to grow your email list in any way possible. Social media marketing presents diversified opportunities to show off your subscriber form to capture more subscribers. Insert a lead gen card into a Twitter post. Want to know something extraordinary about Twitter ads? You can insert a lead generation card within a call to action button. Your subscriber form will appear when an interested follower clicks on your call to action. And voila! New subscribers. Use Facebook to boost subscribers. Twitter isn’t the only platform you can use to capture subscribers. You can also run a Facebook ad to target potential subscribers. The benefits of Facebook? You can use more text, and you can highly target your ads. Leverage LinkedIn. LinkedIn is beneficial for boosting subscribers if you’re a B2B company. If you have a large following, invite followers to subscribe. You can also reach out to people one-on-one. Host a contest/giveaway. Hosting a giveaway can lead to an increase in subscribers. The deal is that in exchange for your email address, your followers will be entered into a giveaway for a fabulous prize. This is a potential way to capture serious subscribers, but there is no way to weed out those interested in freebies. Remember, it works in reverse too. You can also use your email list to advertise your social platforms.

2. Run Ads On Social Media

Have you ever seen an ad for that same thing on a social media platform? You showed interest in your email inbox. Have you ever then made a purchase based on that ad? That is the power of retargeting. It works. And marketers that leverage both social media and email to retarget ads see results. How does retargeting work? Let’s say a subscriber opens an email featuring one of your products. They may click on a link that leads to your website and shows off your product. You then make sure your tracking cookies are enabled. Then, let’s say the subscriber leaves without converting—no big deal. With that tracking data, you can retarget an ad on either Facebook or Twitter. This will cause the individual to return to your website and make a purchase. You may be wondering why to go to all the trouble of retargeting. Here are some stats that may be of interest to you:

3. Sync your email marketing and social media marketing promotion calendars

82% of companies use email marketing technology, and 88% use social media. While most companies use both platforms, it’s important to remember they shouldn’t be used in silos. Email marketing and social media should be used to enhance one another for optimal results. Just like you would retarget an email advertising promotion on Facebook or Twitter to achieve results, you should sync your email and social media marketing promo calendars for the same reason. When you bring your email marketing and social media marketing teams together for planning, you can ensure you offer similar promotions. The more consistent your messaging across platforms, the better your branding will be. Don’t believe it? Check out the research:

  • A consistent experience across all brand touchpoints is a crucial driver of brand trust, according to Forrester.

  • Techipedia found that consistent brands are worth 20 percent more than those that aren’t.

  • McKinsey & Company found that a consistent customer experience across the entire customer journey increases customer satisfaction, builds trust, and boosts loyalty.

Stay consistent across social media and email marketing if you’re looking to build trust and boost results.

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