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How To Create A Customer-Centric Strategy For Your Business

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

If you are competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering. - Jeff Bezos

Concerning that particular statement, it is clear that being customer-based rather than competition-based will keep you ahead of the pack. A business without customers is not a business.

A customer-centric strategy is defined as a business strategy based on putting your customers first and at the core of your business to provide a positive experience and build long-term relationships.

It has been realized that most companies fight to align customer centricity; however, only a few have achieved that. Some are still in the struggle, while others have failed. This failure happens because some businesses don’t have the systems and software tools necessary to segment and have customer profiles captured while targeting customers with customized communication.

Writers and authors have identified the common barrier(s) /blockade for most companies towards achieving their customer-centric goals. The common problem they have seen is a lack of customer-centric organizational culture. This is a situation where clients are given value only when it’s time for marketing and selling out company products to get a day’s benefit. Then, the organizations dedicate the rest of their time to product development and sales.

This is not the right way of keeping around customers; clients should be given the highest value in a business. So instead, customer-centric companies put their customers in the driving seat. This has helped them gain a high rate of retention and nurture relationships with potential and existing customers.

The process of implementing a customer-centric strategy requires time. To promote a customer-centric strategy for your business, you must focus on giving a good customer experience both before and after a sale; this promotes repeated purchases, a high rate of customer retention and boosts business growth.

Customer centricity is important for your business because it aids business managers to keep following up with continuous feedback, which helps to make improvements where it necessitates, supports the empowerment of the frontline, promotes customer based leadership in a business, helps to understand your customers and the metrics that matter as well as designing experience.

To know the buying behavior, the preferences, the rate of business engagement by customers, being in a position to find chances for creating products and services in line with customer needs and promotions, and also being able to know who are the biggest supporters for your company, you need to have a combination of customer relationship management software and tools at the heart of your business.

According to Deloitte and Touche, companies that are customer-centric based earn a lot more than those that are not. They were found to be 60% more profitable. So being a customer-focused business is the way to go.

The best ways to create a customer-centric strategy for your business

1. Prioritize customer service

If you want to make your business customer-centric, you must know the value of customers to your business and how much they contribute. Customer-based companies don’t only look at customers to generate revenues but also as a support for business and growth.

A company’s sales team is one of the closest teams to customers. As a result, they have the power to influence a customer’s decision than any other person in the company. In addition, the sales teams have the power to advise on what they think should be the greatest ways of promoting customer service to retain a good number of customers.

This requires resources and time for the teams that are meant to support customer service. Investing in customer service teams may be in the form of hiring out experts, staffing, paying customer support agents, doing self-service support, and help to get a deeper understanding of your customers.

2. Get the entire company to support customer service

Charity begins at home. Ensure all your employees are well versed with the products or service and can seamlessly be part of the customer support system. Companies need to implement a system where the people who are not directly involved in exchanging customer conversions are fully supported.

Company involvement and support are essential for a customer-centric strategy, and it gives a better understanding of what clients think about company products, services. This paves the way for improvement in product performance according to customers' preferences, hence promoting customer happiness and loyalty.

3. Request to have feedback from customers

Getting customer feedback regarding your product and its performance is very vital. It helps you know whether you are doing the right thing or not, whether you need to include anything in the product for better functioning or not, and other highlights that you may need.

Clients care about the value the product adds to them. If your product helps customers get to achieve what they wanted, they will return. The reverse is also true.

As a company that wants to achieve a customer-centric system for all and the benefit of the entire company, you have to give attention to a client’s point of view and respond to their preferences to improve their experience via improved product development.

This, therefore, requires you to have a system in place that will help you get feedback from clients so that you gather their feedback and address them or incorporate them at once. This gives you an advantage of knowing what your customers want and building onto the exciting customers’ ideas to build another product that customers might love.

4. Put in place solutions that address customer’s needs

The most important aspect in building a customer-centric business is knowing customer needs. Once you understand your customers' needs, it becomes easy for you to build on those problems and find solutions.

5. Get insights from your networks and platforms

Customers feel free to share their comments and feelings about company products through social media networks or platforms; this will help you as an entrepreneur to gather insights from all those platforms and learn more about their complaints and attitude towards your products or services and also seek where you can improve.

To capture comments from your customers, you can open accounts on social media sites on platforms like Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Pinterest that you think your customers use. Furthermore, you can add a call to action on your website, inviting them to follow your business platforms, and then you could follow them back as well.

In conclusion, customers are a stronghold for any business, and you need to have them by your side if you want to grow and maintain your business at a peak.

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