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  • Writer's pictureSsemujju Lewis E

How To Enhance Your Team's Customer Service Skills

Offering your clients an excellent customer service experience makes you stand out. The feeling and the environment a customer finds when they come to you determines whether the buyer is more likely to return.

A bright welcome and goodwill you portray to customers to help them find services to make them reconsider shopping with you. A salesperson who helps customers find their best products while factoring in their budget and allows customers to address any queries in the selling process usually wins more sales and customers' hearts. Excellent service makes the customer happy, satisfied and amazed at how they were handled. Such wonderful customer service and experience keep customers coming for continuous support/ purchases, thus resulting in more sales.

Customer service experience refers to how a brand communicates with its clients at every step during the customer’s journey. As competition evolves, you must find strategies to make customers shop from you repeatedly. Sales can be improved dramatically by boosting the customer service experience.

How To Enhance Your Team's Customer Service Skills

1. Specify your daily team goals

Nothing beats increased productivity and better performance, like setting daily goals. Setting daily goals is a driving force that helps you reach beyond your current set targets to realize full company potential growth. It also serves as a motivation. Setting goals gives you a clear direction of what you have to do from the beginning of the week until the end of it, which helps you hit your target and set goals that are realistic and achievable because challenging goals at times become complicated and boring, thus failing to motivate the team. Also, soft goals are not satisfactory because many people tend to undermine them, and they become tedious and don’t motivate people to perform and exceed their set goals/targets.

2. Have a well-established routine guide as a team

If you are looking up to improve and increase performance for your team, then you need to have a routine guide to give you the direction of what should be done daily and what should not be done, what should be done first before the other(priorities), what is urgent and not urgent. This calls for prioritizing clients; for example, if clients have been there for a long time and are still part of your business, they should be prioritized and given first-hand attention.

3. Set objectives for each individual and as a team

If you are a manager/ team leader and want to boost performance for your team, you need to set and specify achievement objectives for each individual. As a team, this works more like a motivation to meet their goals because they know that they will be questioned if their goals are not met. This puts them under pressure to ensure that the goals are met so that at the end of the day/week, they have a clear report to put before their managers without any failures or complaints.

4. Understand the needs of your customers

Once you know your customers' needs, perform or deliver in line with what customers want, and they will be happy to support you continuously. Still, if you give them goods/services that are not in their interest, you are probably lost. You won’t make any sales because you are supplying something that is not of interest /not desired, and therefore your goods won’t find the market, and neither will they move quickly as you expected.

5. Hire the right people

One of the biggest challenges affecting business companies/ business organizations is that they hire people who don’t have experience. This is a wrong move because people without experience will require massive training, which is costly regarding resources.

6. Avail the right tools

The right tools include; Customer Relationship Management (CRM), one of the best CRM tools in MonkeyPesa CRM. This helps you reduce the work that must be done, such as filing customers’ needs, capturing their data, recording their information, and all the other activities. With CRM in place, you don’t need to do all that manually because the system automatically captures that information, saving time, resources, and energy and increasing productivity in the short or long run.

7. Have a regular training plan

Most business organizations/companies train their employees once after hiring them, and then it stops there. There is nothing like additional training. One thing that managers and directors forget is the fact that people forget quickly, and the content is lost in a short time. Therefore, managers need to place these monthly reminder training at least one day a month so that the teams keep the training content at their fingertips and emphasize that they need to put the content into use. According to Aberdeen, 87% of the training content is forgotten within a few weeks; thus, reminder training should no longer be taken for granted but rather as a necessity for the customer service team to do better.

8. Feed the team with information and content

The team might not always be able to generate content while attending to customers. Therefore, as a business organization, I feel bothered when you are bound to send some content to the team so they can be guided on what to do regarding attending to clients.

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