Every sales rep goes out there with a strategy. Part of the said strategy is how to deal with rejection from clients. This bit is crucial because not every prospect or client will be kind to you or receptive to what you say. Therefore, it is essential to know how to handle rejection in sales.
Rejection is good in business because it helps you reset and revise your strategies. Depending on the salesperson's plan, everyone has questions they ask a prospect to understand what they are looking for. This feedback can help you identify product or service trends, leading to improvement opportunities for your organization.
How To Handle Rejection In Sales
1. It is nothing personal.
There could be different reasons why your product or service was rejected. However, it is usually a question of budget or not needing it immediately. It is less about you, the person trying to make the sale. Therefore, learn not to take things personally.
2. Review your plan
After hearing "no," go back to the drawing board and rethink your approach and strategy. Adjusting your plan or developing certain process aspects can help you improve your sales performance.
3. Expect it.
It is coming. More often than not, you will get rejection in sales. Train yourself to expect rejection, so a "no" will not catch you offside.
4. Ask why
Collecting such feedback from your prospect on why they turned down your offer is prudent. This is constructive feedback because it will help you adjust your strategy for the better. Don't forget to redo your proposal exactly how they want it and let them see it again.
5. Persist with your sale
Don't give up. They may not be willing to engage with you now, but that doesn't mean they won't need you in the future. So please keep checking in on them. This can be done via email, phone call or text message.
6. Do more listening
The rejection could be because you did not listen critically to what the prospect wanted to see done. Handling rejections involves listening to the prospects' objections and questions; this helps representatives drive your product or service to fit the prospect's needs and wants.
7. Prepare your team
Your business is only as good as your team. When your team shares the same passion and drive as you, potential clients feel comfortable leaving their wedding in your hands.
8. Modify your business strategy
You may have been running the business with the wrong strategy. Re-assess how you position your business in the market (think about your skill, specialty, marketing efforts, and pricing) and ensure you are targeting the right people for your service. Please don't be greedy or over-promising because clients will quickly notice it so you will receive rejection frequently.
The bottom line is that rejection is unavoidable. You might want to panic, hang up or give up on sales altogether – but you shouldn't. The above ways are some of the many ways you can handle that "no."