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How To Increase eCommerce Conversions


On average, the conversion rate for most eCommerce websites is 2.86%. However, I must say that some exceed the average rate and achieve about a 2x-5x rise. The higher the conversion rates, the better the business is likely to be.

You could be wondering why your eCommerce website is not making good conversions. Some of the reasons why your eCommerce website is not performing well include;

  • Poor impression of the site

  • Not knowing your customers

  • Failure to optimize your site

  • Ignoring mobile users

  • Failure to love or understand your products and services

  • Bad image products

  • Lack of a re-marketing strategy

  • Failure to use exit intent

  • Difficult to check out

  • Customers paying for shipping

  • Customers not trusting you

  • Unclear CTAs

  • Distracting pages and copies that are not persuasive.

In this article, we have identified strategies that will help you understand customers’ psychology to be able to make more sales and conversions.

1. Use attractive and persuasive content for your website design

A good appealing, and persuasive website keeps customers on the page. Modern customers love to engage with fancy websites a lot. Visual persuasiveness and attractiveness catch a customers’ eye attention which keeps them navigating through the website. The more a customer stays on the page, the more likely he is to convert.

Visitors are likely to stay more on the page, especially the home page if it clearly shows what they are supposed to do from when they arrive. Website designs that give direction on what to do are persuasive and likely keep visitors engaged on the page hence making more conversions in the long run.

Persuasive content majorly keeps your visitors engaged and moving forward with a transaction. Persuasive content ensures that your brand’s voice shines through every word on your website. The more content speaks to your brand; the more visitors are likely to stay on and hence more conversions.

2. Give good and genuine information

Human beings love simplicity, and that’s a fact. Complex information makes it hard for the human mind to understand ambiguous images most simply and act on them. Therefore, giving unbiased and straightforward information to customers enhances their trust.

According to research, most customers buy from people or brands they trust. Therefore, creating a sense of trust in your customers earns your trust and improves conversion rates.

Ensure to use clear, concise and simple-to-understand messages and images on your website. For example, publish and display your shipping rates on the website homepage and ensure that the information can easily be accessed. Display all the information which you think could be necessary for your visitors. Use Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) to provide clear guidance to your audience. Customers love honesty and transparency. This keeps your website visitors and gets you more people, making more conversions.

3. Make navigation simple for your visitors

If your people visit your website and find what they want, they are likely to stay. However, if they navigate and do not find what they want in the shortest time possible, they are likely to walk away, reducing your conversion rate.

To avoid losing visitors, you can indicate a navigation bar at the top of the screen so that website visitors can easily venture into the intermediary product category page they want. This aids them in going deeper and finding the specific products they want. It also becomes easy for those visitors who want to browse through.

In the first place, ensure that your display products are relevant to your customer's needs on the home page. Your product pages must be well put together with detailed information and well presented to align with the customer’s search queries. This will aid in bringing in more conversions.

4. Adopt the Reciprocity principle

Human beings love to receive first, and also it becomes easier to give after receiving. When customers first receive something from the brand, they feel indebted to it. This creates a sense of attachment to the business and helps to become open for more sales conversions. Most eCommerce businesses and websites give discounts, templates or eBooks to their customers before buying anything from them. Again, this creates a sense of indebtedness.

The reciprocity principle is one of those effective ways that most eCommerce businesses use to grow their conversion rates.

This principle works more if you;

  • Gift clients things that will help them connect with your brand emotionally.

  • Encourage heavy discounts

  • Do free shipping for customers

  • Provide free consultation services

  • Provide free product catalogs

  • Free knowledge-based resources

5. Customization

Customization is now the thing. Therefore, what is not personalized is not given attention. Emails that are not personalized are ignored by clients most times. Because people have a lot of work at hand and are busy, people read only what has directed them or a message meant to be theirs. And one of the easiest ways of letting a customer know that the news is theirs is by personalizing it.

You have to customize a customers’ journey depending on the variables. You can use recommendation engines to get personalized product recommendations. You can find suggestions based on location, shopping and browsing history.

Additionally, you can use exit-intent pop-ups, abandoned cart messages and discounts to excellent your customers and improve their experience.

6. Meet clients on their terms

A personalized approach to a customer makes them feel unique. And as a business owner, you have to interact with your clients so that you can get to know more about them and better your relationship. In addition, every day, customers' demands, expectations and habits change. This means that you have to keep engaging them to find their new needs.

Customers love to approach and contact businesses in different ways. While some prefer using Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, live chat, e-mails and LinkedIn, others prefer making direct calls to speak to a customer service representative. This means that you have to communicate with your customers through their preferred communication channels to meet their needs and build a more significant customer service experience for your e-commerce business.

7. Do your shopping through social media

Doing shopping via social media would be advantageous for your brand, especially if it has some presence on the various media platforms. In addition, more ecommerce businesses are using social media channels to sell their products to their friends and followers.

Advertising and having an organic presence on social media channels like; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn is a lucrative venture, especially if the services and the products you offer align with the content you share on those specific media pages. In addition, social media presence commonly works for industries that heavily rely on a visual presentation, for instance, clothing, fashion and culinary industries.

8. Make information easy to understand for your customers

Customers are likely to act more if the information is easier to understand. Most progressing eCommerce businesses make their information simpler to understand, consumable and actionable. To digest information and simplify it for customers, you can use signup forms, ease website access through mobile, and make checking out easy.

This clearly shows how important mobile-friendliness is regarding making conversions and sales. Digesting information for customers’ increases sales and conversions because;

  • Clients take quicker actions if the information is direct

  • Well-designed homepages attract high engagements

  • Simpler information forms covert so fast

  • Easy check out processes with simplified information boost conversion

9. Offer discounts for your customers

Offering discounts to customers makes them feel special and encourages repeat purchases. In addition, discounting for customers enhances their will to make more purchases, increasing sales in the process.

It is crucial to teach your clients a bit of control over when and how they have to use specific discount offers. This adds a feeling of personalization to a customers’ experience and gives them an incentive experiment that could enhance repeat purchases. In addition, discounting for customers gives them the means to save; this improves retention.

10. Aid customers make quicker decisions

Making decisions could appear a little difficult for some customers, given the variety of choices available at one’s disposal. Helping a client make a decision is an action of kindness that can keep customers motivated and wanting to buy more from your store. However, a variety of choices prolongs the length of decision making, and in some cases, customers tend to abandon carts which affects the business's sales.

When there is a jam of products, purchasers tend to lose focus on buying and end up buying less. However, when there is no jam, people concentrate and buy more. Therefore, effective eCommerce businesses usually decrease the choice of products for clients and still avail them more options for them to choose from.

Taking quicker decisions for customers helps them;

  • Find it easier on what to buy

  • Reduces decision fatigue

  • Customers appreciate the products they buy

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