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  • Writer's pictureSsemujju Lewis E

How To Increase Traffic On Your Website

It’s incredible seeing new leads, prospects, and new contacts visit or check out your website. But, of course, that is the joy of any business person or entrepreneur.

If you want to generate new business every day, you must attract new leads to your website, nurture them, and convert them into paying customers. So if you're going to increase the number of sales you close, you have to increase traffic to your website; this is efficient and proven to be working.

Every business owner would like to have more customers, and of course, these customers come through in many different ways. These include online contact, physical contact, and referrals. As an entrepreneur, you need virtual visitors who will support customers. Therefore, you must be keen to see if those people are interested in what you sell to them.

There are several ways you can drive traffic to your website, get more customers, close more deals and get more profits. But, first, you need to understand how traffic works.

How To Increase Traffic To Your Website

1. Create and share valuable content to your website

The content you put up on your website is essential for attracting your prospects, and this partly depends on the kind of content you put up. Perhaps if you put content that doesn’t speak to your audience, you will attract no one meaning that you won’t even make any sales at the end of the month or week. Such a scenario should communicate that you need to create content aligned with your customers' wants.

Writing articles and blogs keep your website active, and the more blogs you add to Google, the more chances of visibility you get. Also, add links to your content, both external and internal links; this further betters your SEO and visibility, increasing your chances of appearing on the first pages of Google, for example, if a client is searching.

You can achieve valuable conversations and conversions by commenting on a piece of content the buyer shared on social media or “like” a status update or job change announcement on LinkedIn.

2. Writing blogs for other bloggers

Shared benefits are a good thing. You have to do something for others so that they can also do the same for you. Writing for others could help you earn some traffic and boost your tap into new customers. This further gives you the ability to work on your website and improve it the more; this is because it gives you some exposure and improves your knowledge about writing when you are writing for others.

3. The use of social media

Social media is one of the most effective driving traffic towards one's website. This takes time, especially when using organic marketing to attract traffic. Still, it attracts traffic in just a short period. Organic traffic requires you to engage regularly, reply to comments, engage with other people’s posts, like and comment on them so that your post can be treated the same by those very people. Make your site accessible so that those who wish to share your social media posts on their pages are free to do that, which in turn increases your number of sales.

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4. Advertising

Getting leads and prospects to your website is the most effective method deployed by small businesses, medium enterprises, and big companies and organizations.

Advertising has different methods of attracting traffic; some are for paying, and others are free, so you have to choose your way of getting traffic depending on your business goals and not utilizing the availability of money allocated for ads like; paid search, display, and social media advertising.

5. Engage with your audience

Increasing the number of posts on social media without engaging with the audience to know what they want doesn’t yield so much impact. Much as you upload your business posts on social media, you also ensure that you spare time to engage with your audience and know who they are and what they want. Reply to the comments of your audience, be aggressive and a bit straightforward to ask them what they want and what they expect from that way will guide you so that you know whether you have to change your line of production or continue with what is existing or improve on what you are doing currently.

6. Take good use of search engine optimization

If you are trying to get traffic for your website and are not utilizing search engine optimization, you are missing out on a lot. This is because search engine optimization helps you to get found on Google. For example, suppose customers search about your products or services. In that case, they are more likely to see your business on the first pages of Google, thus increasing the chances of being seen by those who could be particularly interested in your products.

7. Craft a YouTube account and put up some video tutorials on your YouTube channel

YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google. Therefore, it should be considered by an entrepreneur to get traffic for their website because it boosts the awareness of your brand by uploading videos of what your company is offering to customers.

Google loves to use videos on youtube; this can help every business which wants to increase the traffic for their website because a large number of people can view anything that has been uploaded on YouTube; thus, this will help you to know whether people like what you are doing or offering to them and increase their exposure to your brand.

8. Get to use email marketing

To know how email marketing works, it’s essential to understand the different aspects of marketing with email. The elements include; subject line, body copy, design, Call-To-Action, relevance, offer, landing page and timing.

Email marketing is essential for small businesses. However, if you opt to start using email marketing to grow your business, it’s necessary to understand how it works.

For email marketing to work, prospective customers must connect with the business through email addresses. Encouraging website visitors to share and forward the email with other people is equally important as having new subscriptions. You can ask website visitors and subscribers to forward email messages to others. These could include friends, family members, colleagues and associates.

9. Remember always to update your content

Every time your business does something new or puts new products and services in place, don’t forget to add that to your website. You never know there could be a client who has been looking for that specific product, and by chance, you could earn yourself a sale and close the deal there and then. Also, it is good to show that the company is always coming up with new stuff to address the needs of their clients.

10. Put internal links

Emphasizing internal links in your content helps to get clients to your page and your website. This happens when a reader clicks to open a connection to reading further what the article is about or even to find out more about the company itself, and this creates more traffic for your website in the long run.

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