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  • Writer's pictureSsemujju Lewis E

How To Use CRM In Real Estate

To become successful in the real estate industry, you need to keep in line with your client's needs and ensure that you constantly meet and surpass their demands. This, therefore, requires you to respond fast to your client's needs and predict trends in either the residential or the commercial industry. This helps you keep on top of your client's needs and beat your competition.

The primary role of CRM in the real estate industry is improving customer experience, arranging customer contact details and property specs. Additionally, CRM helps administer the real estate sales pipeline at every stage of the sales process. For example, the sales process could be ranging from getting prospects and converting them into customers to getting referrals and repeat/ loyal customers.

The best CRM software tools for the real estate industry include; MonkeyPesa, Pipedrive, Nimble, boomtown, HubSpot, Follow Up Boss, Liondesk, Contactually and more. If you are a real estate investor and have initiated using CRM to manage your customers, you need to.

Here is why you need CRM software for your real estate business;

  • Replies to customers instantly

  • Maintains long term relationships with customers

  • It tells you whom to call and when

  • It shows you the stage of a lead in the sales funnel

  • Centralizes and maintains client contacts in a single database

  • Assigns sales reps’ leads

  • Generates and closes sales deals. Using CRM software in real estate has more associated benefits that any user would continuously enjoy.

CRM in the real estate industry helps keep clients engaged by sending the right message to the right client at the right time.

Best practices on using CRM software to develop your real estate industry.

1. Teach your staff and let them know how to use CRM in real estate

Training your new and old staff helps them understand how to use CRM in real estate. This is an advantage to the business since it enables them to become mortgage brokers. This inspires them to look out for real estate sales deals and ensure that the deals are closed to make more sales.

Training your staff on using CRM in real estate gives them the knowledge to get deals to seal off at a minimal and bearable price. In addition, training your employees on how to use CRM in the real estate industry addresses any pending queries or execution delays and enhances their professional development.

2. Monitoring what is what and not working in your real estate business

When you initiate the use of CRM in the real estate industry, you have to take on the duty of observing what is working and not working as your client base expands. A huge client base can sometimes be hard to use, primarily if you use the manual handling of client data. That means that you have to focus on finding CRM to help you automate some of the business activities and business processes. Upon installation of CRM software, then you have to monitor what has worked for you to know where to put more energy so that you can concentrate on those areas and make more sales. This helps you utilize the most out of the CRM software hence developing the real estate industry.

3. Allow your teams to have access to customer data

Giving teams accessibility to customer data enables them to follow up, know more about clients and more about their preferences. Constant client follow-ups make them feel special and prioritized by the business. This doesn't give them a good experience but also enhances retention and continuous support, which are necessities for the growth of your CRM business.

Using CRM in real estate helps capture, record and keep accurate client information. Teams can access the data, whether physically or virtually, either by mobile devices or desktops. Having customer data at the fingertips or easy access helps teams know more about clients, for instance, their preferred means of communication, preferences and tastes, issues affecting them and their stage in the sales pipeline.

4. Ensure that you achieve and meet your set target

Reaching your target needs requires you to rely on physical clients and look for online clients and other interested audiences. When you get into your client's online haunts, focus more on online marketing campaigns to capture the attention of your target audience.

Also, it is essential to know the most preferred online hangouts for your audience. Knowing your audience online hangouts allow you to use those platforms to share with them. Either way, you can use influencers to reach out to your audience and get the message right in front of your clients.

Additionally, combining your CRM and social media platforms like; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn helps you keep up conversations and interactions with your clients. This is a necessity for good customer experience and retention. Allowing customers to have access to self-service on your website through emails, phone, chats, and texts enhances a good customer experience and enable CRM software to capture information about who checked via your website—in addition, looking for clients either physically or through the internet can help you meet your goal.

5. Integrate your CRM with other systems, tools and applications.

Integrating your CRM system with other applications helps you save a bunch of time and makes it easy to capture and record data. It is advisable to integrate your CRM system with contacts, events, and calendar and email communication by integrating your CRM with Outlook or Google apps.

Additionally, you can choose to integrate your CRM with other sales and marketing software tools like; MailChimp, HubSpot, Zendesk, Kixie, and RingCentral and different third-party integrations. CRM system integration helps to improve customer experience.

6. Target high-end deals

Long-lasting clients generate more referrals and may turn into valuable customers for your real estate business. In addition, long-term and happy clients help companies get more clients either by word of mouth or by the taste of the products or services. Note: The more clients you accumulate the more sales your business is likely to make. In case you don't have the time to engage with your clients, you can check out your CRM's task automation options and tools, for instance, scheduled prompts, so that you can interact with your clients more.

A total 360° view and understanding of a customer helps you know and learn how to engage with your clients and get through the sales pipeline. Additionally, it enables you to remember more about your customer's timelines to contact and engage them in their best times. Finally, knowing when to get clients reduces the risks of bumping into clients when they are not ready, which might appear like a red flag on your side.

7. Make intelligent decisions and sell smart

When your staff brings on deals ensure that those deals are given priority and closed faster. You can use CRM analytics of reporting and performance tracking and sales forecast reports to evaluate what is working and what is not working. This will help you improve your sales in the real estate business.


Using CRM software in the real estate industry helps you get the best of Real estate. If you are an entrepreneur or a real estate dealer and haven’t given the software a try, you need to give it time and see how precious it works.

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