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  • Apophia

How To Use Your Email Signature As A Marketing Tool

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

In this era, if you are not using an email signature, you are missing out on important deals, and you need to step up your game!

Having an email signature is like handing a person a business card every time you send an email.

An email signature is one of the tools used not only to attain excellent communication but also to create an easier way of getting things done in a quick and faster manner. It is one of the easiest forms of email marketing.

The growth of the internet and social media has proved to the majority that anything is possible and anything can be done for example; people can append their signatures electronically and have meetings while in their sitting room having cup of coffee without needing to necessarily move from here and there.

Social media can be one of the best promotional platforms to get to market their business or websites. But there is more content shared on Facebook and Twitter, the influence you have on your followers is always on a decline. According to Buzzsumo, facebook’s reach to its users has fallen by 2017. So now you have to pay to boost each post you publish and get a few likes or clicks. This makes you wonder if it's worth your time and money.

Research shows that 66% of businesses use email to exchange conversations with customers and leads.

What is an email signature?

An email signature is that block of text that comes at the end of the message and usually appears after the closing line or the last word either regards, thanks or cheers.

This includes your name, brand name, job title, email address, phone number, a link to your personal or company website, company social media profiles and handles, the name of the company you work for, or if you are the founder, you can still indicate that, website.

Using email signature is one of the ways of making the first contact to your customers; still, it is also a form of marketing every time you send an email or upload blogs on your website or any other social channels that you use; you have your email signature appended there.

Many people refer to an email signature as a digital business card. This, therefore, makes it easy for anyone who wants to access your contacts and eases your workload of sharing contacts with people, which could be through emails or any other social media platforms. If you want to get more business coming through, then you need an email signature.

How to create an email signature

1. Make use of a guide

If you want to craft an email signature, the friendliest means of getting that done is by using a guide. You can get this from one of the pre-existing companies that give free and pre-formatted email signature guides to help you get a standard format of the guide that you wish to have. All you need to have is inputting your information in the fields that need to be filled in the space available by the email source. Then, the email signature will appear at the bottom of any email or any information you send out.

2. Incorporate your recent contact information

To have a fully operational and professional email signature you will be required to have some information to fill in certain fields and the ones that are usually required include; personal full names that is the first name and the other names, details of company/ business names, then the job title, your company or business email address and your office phone numbers and then the company website details. Once you make any changes in the compensation, you can always update your email signature so long as that information appears.

3. Include a business logo on your email signature

Having a logo on your email signature makes it look so official and brings out the visual reality of the business in existence. Most people get convinced upon seeing the company on the email signature and more so it attracts the attention of the viewer wanting to check out and that’s how most people end up visiting the company website hence getting added to the prospect /lead list of the website visitors.

4. Connecting with social media handles and professional websites

As a form of marketing, it is essential to link your email signature to your social media profile because it becomes easy for clients to find you. Furthermore, it acts as a guide to knowing more about your brand. The choice of adding this is upon you based on the one you think will probably bring you more followers either by adding a call to action, which would involve having to call people to visit your website or include media platforms.

The importance of email signature as a marketing tool

1. They are directed to who is meant to receive them

Email signatures are targeted to specific people; these could be former clients or business associates, meaning that by the time you send it out, you actually know who it is going out to, the intended purpose and when they are likely to receive it. In addition, this allows you to market to your former clients and whoever receives the email, thus making your life of marketing and generating sales easy and getting more referrals.

2. Brand identify

An email signature is very helpful when it comes to brand identity and recognition. It becomes easy for a customer or someone else to recognize where the message is coming from easily. It also eases the work of sales and marketing teams since it becomes easy for the target people to understand who they are communicating to.

3. Email signature works as a digital business card

With the current trend and growth of social media and internet marketing, the value of physical business cards is deteriorating, and digital business cards are replacing these. Much as an email signature may not be a card, it acts more like a card since it contains all the information you may need for your customers or new leads. It might not appear easy to introduce your business to a customer or prospect verbally. However, having a business card makes your work easy, and you may not have to explain a lot. With the pandemic era, you need front email signatures and digital business since physical cards may not be a better option for now.

4. Gives the most credible and vital information about the business

It is a quick way of providing the most important company information to the clients and prospects who may need it; remember, an email signature is usually brief containing names of the person, company names, position held, phone contacts, logo, location and website details. This is the most critical information that any customer would want to see first hand, and then those who pick interest to follow up and know more about the company will follow your website link.

5. It is an effective and cost-free marketing strategy.

Being in the internet marketing and email signature would be a good take for those involved in businesses. You can use the email signature for marketing your business by sharing through your social media pages hence helping you acquire more followers and prospects at a free cost.

6. Gives a professional picture to readers and viewers

Having an email signature is not just a form of marketing, but it also shows professionalism, and also it might be easy to gain trust from customers and subscribers. Many well-established companies use email signatures to put communication forward by the information provided and showcase brands.

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