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How To Write The Best Email Subject Lines

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

The email subject line will either be the reason your email converts or not. A good email subject email will pronounce a successful email campaign. Conversely, you are bound to gain nothing from your email marketing efforts with a poor email subject email.

47% of marketers say they test different email subject lines to optimize their emails' performance.

Use yourself as an example. Here's a simple questionnaire.

  • How many lists and publications are subscribed to?

  • How many unopened emails do you have in your inbox?

  • How many will you settle down to read?

  • What are the chances you will delete them rather than read them?

According to Statista, more than 306 billion emails are sent and received each day. The goal is to make sure your email stands out from the myriad. More open emails translate to an increase in sales.

Characteristics of a good email subject line

Before diving into the best practices of writing good excellent, we must understand the traits that define good email subject lines.

1. Make some offers

Anywhere you look in the world, people love free things. Everyone loves a good discount. Have the discount and freebie/giveaway in your subject to further capture your reader's attention.

2. Personalization

Human beings are different. Clients/Customer/email subscribers are different. From the customer's journey, you can understand your customer's/subscriber's tastes and preferences, as well as dislikes. Capture this within the email subject line and pique their interests in an instant.

3. Relevance

When you get email subscribers, they want to be kept abreast with information from your business. So keep on the lookout for trending topics and share information on these. This effort will tell your customers that you are authoritative in your industry.

4. Curiosity

Pique your subscriber's interest giving them the extra impetus to open your email. The mystery is good. To an extent. The subscriber will be pushed into opening the email for more information around the "mystery." That is good news for you.

Tips for writing the best email subject lines

The plan is to write robust and catchy email subject lines that will increase your email opening rates, which would inadvertently increase your sales.

1. Write an email subject line

First things first, write the email subject line. You will be surprised at the number of marketers that send out email campaigns without subject lines. The chances are high that an email with a blank subject line will likely go unread or get lost in a cluttered inbox.

2. Test your subject lines

There is a formula to winning. First, view your recent subject line performance, or use an A/B or Multivariate testing campaign to see if different subject lines affect your open rates.

3. Keep short, precise.

It is a game of numbers - the more open rates, the higher the chances of conversions. A Marketo study found the highest average Click-To-Open rate (10.8%) happened with seven-word subject lines, closely followed by nine words (10.6%) and six words (10.1%).

4. Explore the usage of emojis

When you know your way around emojis, the conversation gets more beautiful and descriptive. You should use no more than one emoji at a time. Rather than use emojis to replace words, use them to complement each other.

PS: Different operating systems render different versions of emojis, so it’s essential to test.

5. Avoid the 'no-reply' sender name

While personalization applies to your customers, you ought to adopt it and put it into practice as a business. Customers love to have interactions with people on the other side - your selling side.

Your customers' frustration is the same you will experience when you call a company and be answered by the programmed answering BOTs.

6. Punctuation is key

It would be best if you watched the language you are using in your email campaign. For instance - Using all caps may get someone’s attention, but in the wrong way. It’s the digital equivalent of yelling. Your job is to make the email as easy as possible for the recipient to read rather than giving them anxiety, says Leonov, a VP at email management service SaneBox.

7. Personalization

Incorporating personalization techniques into email subject lines is another way to increase open rates. For example, research has shown that emails that included the recipient's first name in their subject line had higher click-through rates than emails that did not. Another personalization tactic that works is to tailor subject lines to the recipient's location.

8. Highlight your value

Clients make up their minds quickly about emails. Specify the value your company will give the particular subscriber and pique their interest early. Hiding this value in the email body rather than putting it openly in the subject line will work against your email marketing strategies.

9. Avoid spam keywords

If your email subject line is more inclined to make pitches and quick sales, chances are it will be deleted or worse - marked as spam and unsubscribed to.

10. Language is key

People scan and browse through their email inboxes quickly, looking for something that will arouse their interest. Therefore, it is prudent you use concise and simple-to-understand language rather than complex and flowery. In addition, make sure the benefits or purposes for the email are well outlined.

About Email Marketing With MonkeyPesa CRM

MonkeyPesa CRM is in the bracket of an all-in-one business automation tool. From sales marketing, automation or customer support. With the devotion to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), MonkeyPesa is a user-friendly tool. The pricing, features, analytics, easy-to-interpret dashboard make it ideal for you.

The CRM aids businesses to get prospects, insights, converts more leads to become customers and manages with customers across several channels. At the same time, they go through the selling process.

MonkeyPesa possesses an email marketing service that helps you build an email list. You can use your email marketing service to manage your email list in one place. It will also allow you to create email campaigns and send them to your email list at once.

Furthermore, the software will enable you to create an incentive called a lead magnet. You can create several types of lead magnets like free books, free courses, free trials. This helps to draw more people to join your email listing. Thus, email marketing opens up room for meaningful conversations with meaningful people interested in your business.

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