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Retired Clergyman Stanley Ntagali Suspended Over Adultery


Updated: Jan 20, 2021

Retired Archbishop Stanley Ntagali has been suspended from serving the Anglican Church in Uganda after being accused of adultery.

A letter from Archbishop of the Church of Uganda Most. Rev. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu indicated that the retired Archbishop Ntagali had been accused of having an extra-marital affair with a married woman. Ntagali has since been admitted to this.

“This adultery is a grievous betrayal on many levels. Retired Archbishop Ntagali has betrayed his Lord and Saviour, his wife, and their marriage vows, as well as the faith of many Ugandans and global Christians who looked up to him to live the faith he proclaimed,” read the letter.

Bishop Stanley Ntagali is condemned to have had sexual intercourse with a married woman, and this is one of the Ten Commandments that is against God's will. Ntagali is said to have totally disappointed the Anglican community of Uganda, which he had served for several years, and the youth who were looking up to him regarding spiritual advice and preaching God's word.

Dr. Kaziimba said, “I have informed the retired archbishop Ntagali that he is not permitted to function sacramentally, preach or represent the church of Uganda in any way until further notice. Retired archbishop Ntagali has betrayed his lord and savior, his wife and their marriage vows as well as the faith of many Ugandans and global Christians who looked to him to live the faith he proclaimed.”

He remarked that the church of Uganda has approximately 13 million members in the congregation, all of whom have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, as the Bible says in Romans 3.23. Simultaneously, the church holds its leaders more accountable to the same standards we are all called to uphold.

In line with that realization, Dr. Kazimba asked everyone to shun away from judgment but rather pray for the adulterous people while looking into themselves and reflecting on how to uphold the church's values.

“This is not a time for us to gossip. This is a time for repentance, a time for prayer, a time to examine our own sin and failings in humility, and a time to make all our relationships right before God,” Kaziimba said.

“No one is above God’s law. We call on all who have fallen short of this standard to go before the Lord in prayer and confess your sin, repent of your ways, and make restitution to those you have hurt,” Kaziimba added.

Ntagali, 65, was the 8th Archbishop of the Church of Uganda before handing over to Kazimba on March 1, 2020, after clocking the retirement age.

Stanley Ntagali is born in the Kabale district in Ndorwa county. He accepted Jesus Christ in 1974 when he was 19 years old. He began working as a teacher at Wambabya primary school and later spent two years as a Karamoja Diocese missionary. He did his theological training at Bishop Tucker Theological College, St. Paul’s theological college, Limuru, Kenya, and the oxford center for mission studies in the UK.

Before serving as an archbishop, Ntagali represented the archbishop in international meetings, served as the church house board chair, and led the committee that designed guidelines for retiring Bishops. He is married to Beatrice with five Children.

He is remembered for his stance against homosexuality, land grabbing, and corruption.


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