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Step By Step Guide On How To Sell On YouTube

If you want to be overwhelmed by sales deals every day or weekly or monthly, or whatever time, make YouTube your closest friend. YouTube offers very amazing sales opportunities to digital product sellers and content creators.

According to Krista Krumina, YouTube is the third largest search engine channel in the world and the average number of hours spent while watching YouTube worldwide is over 1 billion hours.

Therefore, if you already have a YouTube account or plan to have one, then be rest assured of getting the following and getting a good outstanding number of views.

Some entrepreneurs find it hard to make sales and money through YouTube; therefore, in this piece of writing, we will discover how best one can make some money through YouTube. There are so many things you can sell through YouTube.

Selling on YouTube majorly involves getting traffic and also attracting people to like and view your content. Even if your content is so good, but it is not attracting traffic, that literally means you won’t get views and likes, yet it is the basis of selling on YouTube. Numbers sell. To sell on YouTube, you need to have excellent, compelling videos that are attractive; however, you must find ways of driving traffic to your channel so that those videos are watched and liked in huge numbers.

Selling on YouTube and getting so many views doesn’t require you to do a lot but rather to keep ahead/ on top of the algorithm, and you have to be aware of any latest changes in regards to the algorithm or any other updates.

Let us take a quick look at how you can drive traffic to your YouTube channel to get more views, likes which automatically translate into sales.

1. Make sure you include links to your channel in your captions/description and the comments section.

Adding links into your description of the video or any other content is one of the most effective ways of getting more traffic and more views. This is because most people read the small content of the description and then click on the link to watch the video and pick the rest of the content from it without any further reading. Most people don’t want to read; therefore, if you include your link at the bottom of your description, that means that most people are likely to ignore your video, especially if the description is long and way beyond three lines because anything beyond that a viewer will be required to click on that option of “read more” of which most people don’t usually do but rather skip the video even if it has good content. Therefore, the good thing is to include your link to the video in the first three lines of your description so that those who don’t want to read more can click on the link and watch the video directly from your channel.

Why is it advisable to include links in your description?

· This is because links act as a further reference to information for those (viewers) who want to find out more about the video

· Links usually look cleaner with a different color, meaning that the viewer from an entire text can easily identify them

In addition to writing your links in the description, you can as well include the links in the comment section so that those who missed it in the description can be able to find it in the comments section; you can choose to pin your comment with the link at the top so that it is given the priority of being seen first by every other viewer.

2. Include a link of your video to your YouTube Profile

This is another way of getting traffic as well when you add a link of a video to your profile, the chances are high that anyone who visits your channel will be the first thing they see and thus may be attracted to click on the link, and of course, it will automatically lead them to your video. Thus it will be getting more views and traffic.

Additionally, most viewers and subscribers usually visit your profile if they are looking for any new information; therefore, having your link displayed on your profile would be a privilege to follow the link to watch whatever they want without scrolling through the entire content. Good enough, YouTube allows any user or any person with a channel/account to add to their profiles about 5 links; you can use this as an opportunity to market your new videos, products or services to get more views and sales, respectively.

In case you don’t have any new videos, you can add links to your other social media pages so that those who may not afford to watch your content through YouTube can follow what you on your other social media pages, thus earning you more traffic, likes, comments and more subscriptions.

3. Consistency of your brand

Let your designs and content be the same throughout all your social media pages/platforms so that your customers can easily find, identify and recognize you from a thousand other content creators/producers. Your content on your YouTube channel, website and your other social media pages should be the same so that your visitors and clients don’t skip your products thinking that maybe it is something different, let your brand make quick impressions before your clients.

Consistency creates a relationship and a connection between you and your customers. Consistency in the images you use for your brand across your social channels should be the same, the logos, designs and keywords.


4. Post daily and be consistent with your posts

If you want to build a great following, you must be consistent with your posting habits; posting once in a while might cause your followers to lose interest in you and then unfollow or even ignore your posts. To post daily, you need to have the right marketing content with you, for example, identify your marketing objectives and set them right; is it driving traffic to your website or increasing your number of YouTube views? Then draw a strategy that you will follow or base on to achieve your marketing goals/ objectives.

5. Know the best times to post on your YouTube account and other social media channels

Posting consistently doesn’t simply mean posting just for the sake of knowing what your best time to post is! Find out about the time when you think most of your customers are online, then put up a post there you be able to catch some of their attention; however, if you post in the time when most of them are busy, your post will earn zero likes and views, it will just disappear in feed without being seen by any of your supporters, and this is terrible for your channel. Please find out about the days when you think your audience has time and could probably be engaged with their social media; after knowing their time, create a schedule for your posting. It is estimated that over the weekends, people are always free, and therefore, viewership is likely to go higher; however it starts dropping from Monday up to Wednesday and starts going high again starting from Thursday; therefore, the best days to post are Thursdays up to Sundays especially in the afternoon and evenings before 10:00 pm there you will be able to catch some traffic.

6. Add a Call to Action (CTA)

CTAs are super important in regards to building your YouTube following. CTAs are words that tell the viewer exactly what you want from them or what you want them to do; these are words like; subscribe here, download eBook from here, click right to watch this video, touch to download and watch offline and more compelling words of that kind, they give direction to viewers and subscribers, for example, knowing what to do making it easy for them even in your absence.

7. Promote your YouTube content

It doesn’t just end at formulating, creating content and then posting it on your channel; you still have the task of promoting your YouTube content using your other social channels, for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Linked In and other social channels you might be using. You can do this by adding a link to your YouTube channel so that once visitors of your other media pages click on that link, it will automatically take to the content you just added, do this with all your social media platforms so that if a customer misses out on Instagram, they will be able to catch you through Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, this way your views will increase like wildfire in just a blink of an eye.

Concluding, therefore, as earlier said that YouTube is the 3rd world's commonly used platform; therefore; if you are not tapping into this opportunity, trust me, your business is missing out a lot, and I would recommend that you open an account right away and start growing your following organically.

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