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The Best Cold Email Subject Lines That Convert

A cold email is an initial form of contact sent to someone for a particular purpose. Cold email subject lines are excellent weapons of influence if carefully used.

To have your email opened and read your subject line is the only thing you have to rely on. This means you have to think critically and strategically when generating a subject line for your email message. Therefore, it is crucial to get the right cold email subject line.

The best cold email subject lines are generalized to:

  • ask questions

  • address pain points

  • provide value

  • generate curiosity

  • include numbers

  • generate FOMO

  • and use social proof.

Numerous cold subject lines have been discussed, of which some have been tested and used by sales representatives and have proven to be working. This guide compiled the most performing cold emails used by numerous people in sales and marketing to make great conversions.

The Best Cold Email Subject Lines That Convert

1. “Can we discuss a topic?” You can include the name of the topic here

Before you introduce a discussion to your customers, you must first discover matters of preference to your audience. The issues you choose to table for your audience should raise some curiosity and a kind of excitement, especially when introduced to leads.

Customers love it more when they see a subject line of their preference, and it entices them to join the discussion anytime they are called upon. The choice of your subject lines depends on the topics that you would like to discuss with your audience. So you could either table business-related topics or personal topics depending on what you want to go on with or what you think might interest your audience.

2. Customs of reaching a goal

No single client can refuse to engage in a discussion that involves helping them reach their goals. However, you must come to the table for a conversation when you know some of your clients’ goals.

Everyone wants to reach their goals fast and more effectively. To have this email subject line convert, you must know your audience's business pain points. Come to your audience or customers when you give solutions rather than ask what they have to think. Bringing solutions to the table entices customers to engage in such interactions.

3. Let me help you reach your goal

Every entrepreneur/business person wants to listen to such statements. Much as a customer might get moved by the services you offer, the skills and the products, showing them the will to help them would also do wonders.

To become more efficient in service provision and help customers find suitable and reliable solutions. You can ask a customer where they need help, find out about their current challenges and find a solution that suits the challenge. This leaves a client thinking that you know and might be convinced to come for your services hence making more conversions.

4. Use and mention the name of the person in the subject line

Shouting out or saying someone's name in an email or the audience gets their attention. Using such a tactic pulls up the reader's interest to open the email, and the message included in the e-mail, increasing open rates and conversions. This is a cold email subject line that converts.

5. Ask a question regarding a client's project and let them express their solutions.

Giving clients such an opportunity puts them in a position of feeling like they are experts and makes them feel like you value their time and work. That makes them get an attachment and get more external help. This tactic is efficient and pulls out more conversion rates.

6. Have you been to this venue? You could mention the name of the forum in the subject line.

This subject line requires you to know where the prospect spends most of their time. For instance, if you know of a particular bar or a hang-out near the prospects' workplace or home, you could then request and schedule a meeting with them in that specific location. That will be easier for the prospect to accept your invitation easily.

7. Seek advice from the prospect

Seeking advice from the prospect shows that you value their submissions and respect their knowledge on a given subject matter. This is to let the reader open up a topic for you. However, you have to go ahead and table the discussion to find out what the reader needs or wants to ensure that their expectations are met. This will enable you to have more cold email subject lines that convert.

8. Are you ready to do away with this or that challenge (mention the challenge).

Asking a prospect such a question shows that you understand their challenges. However, this requires you to do a background check to understand a customer's challenges. Then, if you are giving solutions, you suggest something relevant to their challenges. After getting complete details about the challenges of the person, then you can make suggestions that will be of potential interest to your prospect. This cold email subject line will help you to get more conversions.

9. Where do I begin from?

Did you realize that a catchy cold email subject line? Starting with such a statement makes the target reader curious and want to listen to what you say. The prospect will want to know if it’s a problem or not? And if it’s a problem, the prospect will probably want you to suggest a quick and viable solution to them.

10. Be relevant in your email messages

Generic marketing is not directed to anyone, and hence it might not get you conversions. There are so many things to focus on when writing to your customers. However, you have to pick those most relevant to the products or the services you offer. The email message must also be relevant to the customer's needs.

The more relevant the message is to the customer's needs, the more the reader's attention is drawn closer, and they are likely to keep open your mails consistently. This encourages a higher conversion rate. Sending relevant emails improves open and clickthrough rates.

11. Hoping to meet you at the event (you can include the name of the event)

This kind of subject line is more appropriate when you are sure that you are likely to meet the prospect at the event. Having such a subject line catches the prospect's attention, and they will want to open the email to find out more. Additionally, such a subject line shows a kind of familiarity with the prospect and sharing of mutual interests. As a result, they might want to dig out more by opening the email to read, increasing open rates and more conversions.

12. I am the Walrus

Not all your prospects want serious business all the time. Some will like to crack jokes and perhaps might wish to emails that don't make sense to them but rather make them laugh out a little louder if they are funny. Humorous emails are likely to make readers pause and want to open the email message.

However, before you use such a tactic, you need to dig out more about each of your prospect’s personalities so that you can understand those that will like your email and those that are likely not to. This will help you identify a target group of prospects you can always share with such emails.

About Email Marketing With MonkeyPesa CRM

MonkeyPesa CRM is in the bracket of an all-in-one business automation tool. From sales marketing, automation or customer support. With the devotion to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), MonkeyPesa is a user-friendly tool. The pricing, features, analytics, easy-to-interpret dashboard make it ideal for you.

The CRM aids businesses to get prospects, insights, converts more leads to become customers and manages with customers across several channels. At the same time, they go through the selling process.

MonkeyPesa possesses an email marketing service that helps you build an email list. You can use your email marketing service to manage your email list in one place. It will also allow you to create email campaigns and send them to your email list at once.

Furthermore, the software will enable you to create a lead magnet incentive. You can create several lead magnets like free books, free courses, free trials. This helps to draw more people to join your email listing. Thus, email marketing opens up room for meaningful conversations with meaningful people interested in your business.

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