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  • Writer's pictureSsemujju Lewis E

The Best Marketing Tools For Your Business

Every business has their work cut out for them to make sure they stay on top of their game. Various parts of the business machine need to be kept running for the business to stay afloat. The onus falls significantly on the marketing team to have the word out about the company. Brand exposure and awareness are crucial to keeping your business in conversations that drive sales and conversions.

Marketing is the backbone for success for every business. Survival and success depend on how much the marketing plan comes to fruition. Marketing gets your business known outside your walls.

The Best Marketing Tools

1. Planning

You can’t go shopping without knowing what you want. In the same spirit, you can’t do anything without a plan.

No business can develop fully in the absence of a business plan. Writing a business plan can help you determine if your idea is feasible and provide direction. With a business plan, you will be able to know every next step that should be taken - Fred Chege

You ought to take a keen look through the requirements. You should have a business plan to guide you.

A marketing plan is a report that clearly shows your marketing strategy, managing and optimizing your digital marketing strategy while defining the path for business development. This may be an annual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly plan. A marketing plan might have a few aspects, for example;

  • Business Marketing and advertising goals.

  • Business’s current marketing position.

  • The timeline of finishing up tasks.

  • Key performance indicators.

  • Target market and customer’s needs.

A well-defined marketing plan helps you keep focused on your business goals. Having your marketing plan enables you to think deeper to create a critical marketing strategy that will last longer while supporting your business to stay on top. Much as it is possible to have a marketing plan broken down every week, an annual marketing plan aids you in setting your marketing on the right course to make your company’s business goals a reality. It is a high-level plan that creates the direction of your team’s campaigns, goals and growth. Without a marketing plan, things can become funny. They might become hard a little bit, especially when executing activities and achieving your set goals if you have not laid out a well-organized marketing plan.

2. Social Media Marketing

You want to have a strong social media presence on top of social media customer service.

A recent survey found that 68% of consumers would react by telling family and friends about a bad experience by posting it on a social network. And as each Facebook profile has an average of 155 friends, one negative experience can quickly reach thousands!

According to a report of social media usage released by Statista:
  • In 2020, over 3.6 billion people were using social media worldwide(a global rate of 49 percent.), projected to increase to almost 4.41 billion in 2025.

  • On average, internet users spend 144 minutes per day on social media.

  • Facebook was the first social network to surpass one billion registered accounts and currently boasts approximately 2.5 billion monthly active users, making it the most popular social network worldwide.

  • In June 2020, the top social media apps in the Apple App Store included mobile messaging apps WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger and the ever-popular app version of Facebook.

  • In 2021, Social networking sites are estimated to reach 3.78 billion users. These figures are still expected to grow as mobile device usage and social networks increasingly gain traction in previously underserved markets.

Social media advertising is a cheat code on social media marketing. It is effective. You can tweak the ads to address precisely what you want from social media - following, clicks, responses, engagements. Social media ads can also target your preferred audience that is likely to get more interested in your products or services, thus saving your time and getting the right people.

3. Email Marketing

Shelf all the insufficient information you have heard about email marketing. Most of it is wrong. Email marketing is that kid in school that everyone wants to be, but they cant. So they, instead, start hating.

Privacy, customization and automation have made email marketing a darling trend. Email gives a personalized connection and shows the recipient that you took time and thought about them. This makes the reader gain some glimmer of interest.

Email marketing is one of the marketing forms that entrepreneurs use to get more return on investment from marketing and sales. Research reveals that for every $1 spent on email marketing, you get $38 in return. In addition, the current statistics show that over 1.5 billion people are active email users, which could be potential customers.

Research shows that email marketing campaigns achieve an engagement rate of 22.86% compared to a 0.6% social media engagement rate. This makes email marketing one of the most important marketing strategies and forms that entrepreneurs should consider to get to the target audience.

MonkeyPesa possesses an email marketing service that helps you build an email list. You can use your email marketing service to manage your email list in one place. It will also allow you to create email campaigns and send them to your email list at once. Furthermore, the software will enable you to create a lead magnet incentive. You can create several lead magnets like free books, free courses, free trials. This helps to draw more people to join your email listing. Thus, email marketing opens up room for meaningful conversations with meaningful people interested in your business.

4. Internal Communication And Organization

On top of making sure that your brand is out there, you need tools that help you organize your projects and maintain internal communications. This is intended to keep communication open and streamlined. Furthermore, it helps put the entire team on a level footing regarding the business's operations.

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