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The Best Sales Courses In 2021

Getting your business to the right path comes along with an investment either in terms of capital, hiring more employees, expansion of the operating space, social media expansion from using a few pages to many, using machinery and other new systems and investing in your sales team through sales training courses.

MonkeyPesa wishes you to grow big, and therefore, they have compiled a list of 10 best sales training courses you can trust for your team to do the best in 2021. As the expertise in the industry of selling and one that has always helped businesses grow their sales, they have the best knowledge of the most up-to-date sales courses, training, classes and certifications. The list compiled below has free courses, those that have to be paid for, and they are good for all classes of people, whether beginners, intermediate business class people or experts in the fields of marketing and selling. Some of the courses are classroom courses, and others are online courses.

With competent sales training for your team in place, you are assured of excellent business performance, especially increased opportunity win rates, sales volumes, more profits, and revenue to grow the business more and more.

Before we go any further, let us first find out the meaning or the definition of sales training, sales training refers to a course of growing skills and tools of your sales reps to put in place more and efficient sales opportunities and close higher profit deals.


1. High Impact Selling

If you are an entrepreneur and trying to grow your business, then the best sales training course for you is High Impact Selling; this gives you a detailed understanding of customer requirements and how to find or trace your target audience. High Impact Selling also draws examples from techniques that have been used by the most successful selling companies around the world; by doing this, they hope that it gives you a high light of how you should execute your sales too to make it to the first position and worlds’ most selling company. High Impact Selling believes that selling a product or a service is as vital as building it from scratch. Kellogg School of management-Northwestern University offers high Impact Selling course.

Some of their unique selling points include;

· Planning and organizing steps to close deals easily and successfully

· Asking ideal sales questions and bringing on the conversation of sales.

· How to exchange with peers, derive ideas and getting customer feedback

· Interactive sessions and exercises

Team learning is offered on a special enrollment, the duration of study goes for 2 months, 2 weeks, and you have to study for about 4-6 hours every week. This is a quite friendly schedule that your sales team can at least be managed if you want them to have the sales training or take on the course.

2. MonkeyPesa sales course

You are looking up to improving your sales volume, training your sales team, the marketing team, heads of sales departments MonkeyPesa has got you covered with the best physical and online sales course. Join their weekly classes, and trust me, you reap back more than what you invested, that small investment will earn you millions of money, and I can’t wait for you to testify about it after enrolling in these classes.

You can attend classes physically with professional sales experts or enroll in online learning; with online classes, you can get videos of a full course and then train your team on how to close more deals consistently and what skills they need to have those potential deals closed. You can book for your training early enough, and the training can be done physically, on Skype or through Zoom.

The sales training courses are open in Uganda already and will soon be open in Kenya as well; please close more profitable business deals with the MonkeyPesa sales training course.

3. The Art of sales

Call it; Mastering the selling process course (Coursera), if you want to have the process of selling at your fingertips, increase the volume of your sales and become the expert in the field of selling Northwestern University got you covered with the most sales selling course worldwide and that is only COURSERA.

Coursera sets for you the most outstanding goals and ways that your sales team can use to attract a wide range of customers out of a big crowd. Thus, it is one of the courses that any entrepreneur or businessman /woman should take seriously to get her goods or services sold.

Once you enroll with the Coursera course, no single customer will ever say no; all no’s are turned into yes. Imagine such joy in selling; it’s the best thing any business owner can ever offer to their business; it doesn’t just end on having customers say yes but also gives you the ability to locate new customers and retain them. For all the best product marketing courses, Coursera is the only way to go.

Coursera’s unique selling points include;

· Having little or zero experience, especially for newcomers, is not an issue

· Exams and quizzes must be done to get your certification ready

· There is a good explanation from the program instructor with the required demos

· Work hands-on is a must

· They don’t bother you lectures are divided into four sessions, and therefore you can take on the session you love most.

The study's duration is just 4 months, and you have to study 3 hours per week.

4. Sales Machine

The best sales training B2B Master Course (Udemy), generating sales with this course is just a blink of an eye and how does this come about? It comes automatically because you are taught to master tonality, handling rejections, pitching products, customer’s body language, and so much more. It doesn’t just end here but also goes ahead to give you details about the value of authenticity while getting to customers and selling them a product, trust me, the moment you enroll. Before you end the course, you will already know how to deal with real-life situations regarding selling.

They have the best unique Selling points; here we go;

· Slow pace while learning is the whole thing; they need you to understand they don’t leave anyone behind.

· They make it easy for you to understand because real-life situations are brought on board

· Offer you the best techniques to measure deals and put them into your working methods

· More about the dos and don’ts is their major focus, especially when interacting with clients

· Getting the right footing is the whole deal because the course instructor gives you time to ask and shares his ideas and experience.

· Assignments to check your understanding are given

· With Sales Machine, you really don’t struggle too much; 27 lectures cover it all, there is access to 9 downloadable resources, and finally, there is flowing access to lifetime.

There is nothing like concentrating for a long time, it’s just 2 ½ hours, and then you are done for an entire week.

5. Sales Negotiation Training

Negotiation experts offer this; this helps you get the best salesforce skills and prevents you from losing business deals from big and potential clients. This sales training doesn’t leave your sales team the same but rather teaches them how to exceed targets, turn prospects, and lead into potential buyers and strengthen relationships with your customers. Putting that aside, the training provides post-graduation reinforcement and this very important for skill development.

Key unique selling points include;

· Knowing your customer’s needs

· Shortening the sales cycle and closing bigger business deals

· Attaining big business value at a discount

· Persuading and influencing customers

· Handling objectives and controlling meetings

Duration of study goes for three classroom days with 4 and 1/2 hours; however, there are also online classes.

6. Sales Training

The best practical sales techniques offered by Udemy. What is your challenge in sales? Is it preparation, planning, relationship building, object handling techniques or closing deals, mastering your clients' body language, building rapport, or learning the selling process? Are they still your biggest challenges! If yes, you need to consider taking on the Sales Training course because it has all the best answers you would wish to have for the challenges above. It sounds pretty interesting knowing that you don’t need the experience to take on this course.

Looking at the key and unique selling points, we see;

· Dealing with how to handle objections

· Foolproof system to get your sales sorted

· Experts take you through the training and lectures

· To brighten up your understanding, there are questions to take you through a check-up on top of reading materials provided for you to review and remind yourself.

· There is a practice in regards to closing prices and deals so you ought to catch it well

· Class goes for 30 lectures, with 11 available downloadable resources, and there is also full lifetime access

· You can grab the learning and study materials from their e-learning platform at a fair price.

Studying doesn’t really go for long, just two hours, and you are done for a full week.

7. Free sales training courses online (LinkedIn)

Effective selling comes with experienced sales professionals; this training course gives you several frameworks, methodologies, presentation ideas and negotiation skills. This training is quite long and goes for over 1200 training but self-paced. There are lessons to help you build a strong foundation for your start and take the first core steps. The topics to be covered include; pipeline management, crafting the pitch with competitive differentiation and forecasting.

Key Unique selling points for this include;

· Videos that inform you about all aspects of selling, for example; growth opportunities, networks, field sales, and job prospects

· There is a detailed explanation in regards to dealing with exercises and the training materials

· You can do practice with your exercises online or download and practice offline

· There is the flexibility of classes and can be done when it’s convenient

· There is a hand on practice to measure your understanding in regards to covered topics

· Topics are into sections, and each section comes along with its own quizzes to measure your understanding.

· Upon enrollment, there are free lessons and resources available

8. Action selling

Discovering more about the selling process's action offers training to aid professionals in getting the best of their sales culture, growing revenue, expanding margins, and being the most efficient and active sales agents.

Key unique selling points include;

· Communication, uplifting expectations and improving behaviors among members of the sales team

· Consistent selling through bettering the action selling system

· Discover sales skills through the whole process

· Building long-lasting business relationships

Duration of study goes for two classroom days; however, online learning is self-paced.

9. Business development and B2B sales for startups-sales valley (udemy)

Business relationships and sales generations are vital to keeping your small start-up running, whether you are an entrepreneur with already big ventures or just a small startup, trust me, you need knowledge on how to keep it flourishing, and you can only achieve that if you enroll for “Business development and B2B sales for startups-sales valley (udemy).

This course primarily targets small startups and small scale businesses, majorly covering efficiency maximization, finding potential clients, pitching ideas, closing deals and scaling the business.

Key unique selling points for this course include;

· Expertise in drafting professional emails those help you earn responses

· Attaining consistent leads monthly through several techniques taught

· Finding potential customers for your products and services

· There is access to study materials, references and suggestions as a top learning

· Assessments and assignments are must to measure your rate of understanding and knowledge

· The lectures are not really many, just 4, and you are done; there is an addition of downloadable resources and full lifetime access.

Duration of study goes for full 6 hours per week.

10. Sales training for high performing team specialization (Coursera)

HubSpot offers wide coverage of most of the business courses and helps your business put its best foot forward, which is vital for your business's growth. The study's coverage begins with foundational topics up to mastering sales and executing an overall business strategy.

Key Unique selling points for this course are;

· Coverage of the theory and practical classes as well as the implementation of executions

· Experience with real-life situations and the cost of your business decisions

· A feel of engaging lectures and so much more learning

· The practice to make you perfect due to lots of assignments and assessments

· Getting certified after passing examinations

· Discovering more about sales team management and exploring business strategies

Duration of study goes for 8 weeks while doing 6 hours per week.

In conclusion, there are so many sales training courses in the world globally; recommend you to trust the ones that Monkeypesa sales experts have put down.

Cheers to more sales; keep selling!

MonkeyPesa is here with a ready-made Business Management Suite that helps streamline everything from Leads to Deals, Tasks, Accounts, and contacts.

MonkeyPesa is genuinely built for Sales teams. It is simple but well streamlined and organized.

This Software allows for the integration of services like Email Marketing, SMS, and Social Media marketing, and customer support, all in a single business system.

You can contact us on or by a phone call or WhatsApp +256757537658

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