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  • Writer's pictureSsemujju Lewis E

The Best Ways To Reduce Email Bounce Rate

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

Marketers put a lot of effort into their work to yield results. A well-coined email copy needs to be doing its intended job. Opened, read and converted. Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is still here to stay.

Email marketing is one of the digital marketing trends to watch for in 2022. Privacy, customization and automation have made email marketing a darling trend. Email gives a personalized connection and shows the recipient that you took time and thought about them. This makes the reader gain some glimmer of interest.

As a marketer, you want to keep your bounce rate at 2% or less. If your bounces are already within that number, don’t worry too much—that’s normal. However, something isn't quite right if your bounce rate rises to 5% or higher.

Causes Of A High Email Bounce Rate

  • Invalid Email Address – If the recipient’s email address is not valid, the email sent will bounce back

  • Domain Name – The domain name does not exist.

  • Email Server – Your prospect’s email server is blocking email delivery

  • IP reputation – The IP the email was sent from has a bad email sending reputation, thus resulting in the email being rejected

  • Spam content – If your email subject or the main content has some spam-like elements, the chances are that the recipients’ email filter did not accept the email

Difference Between Soft And Hard Bounce

  • Soft bounces are generally temporary and usually indicate an overloaded email server. Your email service provider will try to resend the email campaign several times (usually five) before giving up. In most cases, soft bounces will turn into a successful delivery after multiple attempts.

  • Hard bounces: Hard bounces are more severe because they’re permanent failures. Maybe the domain is no longer valid, or the email contains a typo. It’s essential to remove all email addresses with hard bounces as soon as you find them. Campaign Monitor and other ESPs will automatically suppress any email addresses that result in hard bounces.

The Best Ways To Reduce Email Bounce Rate

1. Run opt-in campaigns

You can craft an engaging opt-in email message and share it with your old and new contacts. You can then request your old contacts to opt-in again and find a way to do away with those who no longer respond. You can choose to do away with the emails of those that don't respond.

All you need for your growing business are engaging and active contacts that can help you boost your deliverability rate and improve the chances of having your emails shared with contacts outside your current contact database.

2. Authenticate Your Domain

According to a Litmus study, one of the top sources for email marketing statistics, less than 40% of brands use three effective methods of email authentication: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

Authenticating your domain helps tell your email clients who you are, rather than a spammer.

3. Craft and share outstanding email content with your audience

Unique, consistent content usually pulls the attention of the crowd. It also helps to retain the current and incoming subscribers, which helps grow your email newsletter list. Valuable, informative and entertaining emails interest the audience, making them want to get more information and content from you. Such content keeps the audience around, but they may share it with their networks.

This creates awareness about the presence and existence of your brand, which increases the number of subscribers and hence gets more people to add to your email newsletter lists.

4. Avoid spam keywords

If your email subject line is more inclined to make pitches and quick sales, it will be deleted or worse - marked as spam and unsubscribed.

5. Make email mobile-friendly

One of the first things you do when you wake is to check your social media, including email. 40% of people check their emails on their phones. So if you're not doing this, you're missing out on clicks.

6. Match your landing pages and email copy

To create a conducive and fantastic experience for your customers, matching your landing page and email marketing campaign is vital. A consistent and single visual image builds trust amongst customers, which keeps them around your page. This helps you increase sales conversion. Therefore, keep your landing page copy and email message copy the same.

Keynotes to help you match your email copy and landing page;

  • Improve sales conversions by aligning email campaign with the landing pages

  • Make cohesive and compelling visuals and text for your campaigns

  • Simplify the work of your prospective customers so that they can identify your ask.

7. Know your audience

Understanding your audience clearly is very important. Knowing your audience helps you write an email marketing copy that addresses their problems. This is one of the most incredible ways to improve and boost conversions.

To build a customer persona, you can use information from the web and social analytics and conversations with your customers. This helps you know your customers more and more, making it easy to write email marketing copy that makes them want to click.

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