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Use CRM To Increase Sales

The rate at which a business that uses CRM to increase sales grows is unmatched, incomparable. You need to give it a try.

CRM, short for Customer Relationship Management, as earlier defined by MonkeyPesa, it refers to software that captures contacts and sales information in one central place: calls, emails, chats, website visits, social connections, and campaigns for a company to review and keep in touch with customers.

While giving a glance at CRM, it doesn’t just handle the relationships between the business and its customers but rather goes beyond that to tackle the running of business processes, improving customer care service and making things simpler for every one part of the running of the business, this increases efficiency, productivity, effectiveness and accuracy of financial records and transactions.

There are so many benefits coupled around the use of CRM to run a business, for example, increasing sales, good customer service, quick analysis, proper financial management, increased marketing efforts, easy implementation, and many more. If you want to start employing CRM as a way of running your business, you need first to understand the best CRM software that suits your business and then find out what opportunities are available to use that specific CRM system to scale up to more possibilities of growth and expansion.

Yes, I understand sometimes it gets quite harder while trying to keep up with customer demands, such as communicating with them effectively and daily, advertising and marketing to them, answering their queries if there is any and a lot more. Still, you can get rid of all this heavy work only if you only implemented the use of CRM. Given that you will want to reach a good number of contacts on social media, you might not manage this; however, it’s possible to help you run all your social media ads and all email marketing campaigns with CRM in place.


1. Helps you identify bad leads

CRM system holds / stores a lot of information about a client right away from the time a client starts following up about your company on the website and records all the activities, and the check through a client does with your website, captures customers contacts and names as well as email and any other information concerning a client. This is the most important of all because it makes it easy for sales representatives to easily tell which leads are interested in their products (hot leads) so that you can get to them at the right time and which ones are not (cold leads) this improves sales efficiency by choosing only those that will benefit the company and become customers and ignoring those who are likely to waste your time.

2. Helps to maintain existing customer relationships

CRM stores customers data right from the first time he or she interacts with the company website, this helps sales representatives to keep following up with the customer even when he or she has become part of the company due to maybe continued business support, having credible information about a customer helps sales representatives to build rapport through consistent communication, helps to understand customers needs so you can address them accordingly, getting more referrals from customers. Customer retention, thus increasing sales and promoting business growth.

3. Crafts a proper, fraud-free and standard sales process

The use of CRM can help build a strong, reliable and long-lasting sales process that your team can trust for easy execution of their activities; remember CRM software helps you identify leads with high interest and those that need extra nurturing, thus helping you know where to focus your energy. In this case, the sales process will be made shorter since you will be dealing with leads that are already interested; a clear sales process also makes it easy for sales representatives to understand fast, thus making sales a simpler execution, especially if you have new sales representatives in the company. Additionally, a clear sales process helps you to articulate and evaluate the performance of sales representatives concerning who does what, where and how, what is working and not working, and it's vital for the survival of your company because it will help you figure out where there are inefficiencies in regards to sales performance, cash inflow and cash outflow and then figure out a way of how these can be addressed.

4. Good customer service support

Because you have all the customer-relevant data captured within the CRM system, it becomes easy to follow up; for example, if the person has already made some purchases from the company/business, you can follow up with them, asking them about how the product is working for them, whether it's performing as expected, whether they need more and show them that you are willing to supply at a free cost on delivery, market to them the new products you have in store, explain to them how they could be relevant and would be of help, of course, this has to go along with continued nurturing of the customer about the product. Such attention and care to a customer gives them a feeling of being home and always welcome with promotes good customer experience with your business, promotes customer retention and continued support towards your business without forgetting that there could be referrals along the way which may boost the growth of the business in the short /long run.

5. Improves the spirit of togetherness and collaboration among teams

Many businessmen/women, entrepreneurs, and owners of small startups take it that a CRM system is meant to build relationships between the company and its customers. It goes beyond enhancing collaboration and the spirit of working together and sharing information between teams, for example, sharing data between the marketing, sales, customer service and management teams this because any person who has logged into the company CRM software as an employee can access all the information as it is shared. By having all the data and information organized in one central place and updated, the different teams will be working within a much more efficient organizational structure, thus promoting team performance.

6. Helps you improve your marketing campaigns

The fact that CRM captures data from all your customers and puts it in one central place is from the time a prospect starts visiting your website initially up to the time he/she becomes a customer. Now that CRM gathers data from all your customers, it would help you know and find out where the majority of your customers come from so that you can put much more marketing efforts in that area and market to them more, for example, if you discover that the majority of your customers come from social media then you might need to do a lot of social media marketing.

7. Helps you to know your customer’s needs and be available for their needs

CRM gathers all your customer data in one; therefore, it’s easy to know what your customer's interests are; for example, if your website is linked to your CRM software, you can easily know what their interests and wishes are depending on whether their most search is centered or where they spend a lot of time. Alternatively, you can give your visitors a chat option on your website so that they can freely show their interests to you and capture queries or complaints if there are any. If you get to know who your clients are and what they want, you will catch a good market.

8. Appreciate your loyal clients

Every business will always have those clients who come back after the first purchase, maybe because they liked your product or gave them a good customer experience, and as time goes by, those customers become loyal. You, therefore, need to appreciate such clients, for example, you can give them a free offer of a service or a product that will keep them coming, you could be wondering about how you will know these loyal customers, but it’s simple you can gather data from the CRM software it will show you which customers are most profitable over others take note of them and reward them accordingly this gives them a unique and special feeling thus zeroing them down to stay around your business and will give it a priority before any other. Additionally, you can even ask them to refer their friends to your shop/business; this will slowly increase the number of customers visiting your business. Finally, there will be growth stemming from increased sales. According to Brian and company, 5% customer retention can increase company profitability by 75%.

9. Helps you figure out which leads to prioritize

CRM gathers every single piece of data about all customers and sorts them accordingly to who is doing better in terms of business support; for example, CRM can help you know which can kinds of leads to putting forward and be contacted immediately; therefore, CRM helps you define between hot leads and cold leads so that you can choose where to focus your energy for example if you have many hot leads from your CRM structure you can segregate them and start following up on the differently depending who is made the priority over the others.

10. Reduces provision of duplicated data

This is one of the most common faults affecting businesses, especially if your data is collected manually; the chances are high that typing or writing errors will be made, fake data may be entered, and you might not notice, thus reducing your productivity, profitability, efficiency and time. But with CRM, you will no longer have to suffer from duplicated data; you can do away with that within just a single minute by ensuring that user logins for your sales team are given the right access to the software, make sure that your sales team are connected, allow sales managers to have access to those user logins for the sales representatives, allow the top management also to have access to the user logins of the sales team data for review and evaluation. With all this in place, your business performance will be improved, and there won’t be any duplications.

Finally, we have looked at how beautiful your business would grow its sales while using CRM; therefore, as a businessman/woman, a young entrepreneur and an owner of a small startup, the choice is left in your hands, but I recommend that CRM would be a great deal for the growth of your business.

MonkeyPesa is here with a ready-made Business Management Suite that helps streamline everything from Leads to Deals, Tasks, Accounts, and contacts.

MonkeyPesa is genuinely built for Sales teams. It is simple but well streamlined and organized.

This Software allows for the integration of services like Email Marketing, SMS, and Social Media marketing, and customer support, all in a single business system.

You can contact us on or by a phone call or WhatsApp +256757537658

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