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Find the right B2B decision
makers in Africa in seconds!

Sell more and close more with the most accurate B2B
company and contact data in Africa and beyond.

Search Emails and Phone contacts of Millions of  Records!

Find up to date emails and phone numbers of our database of millions of contacts from millions of companies!

  • Use various filters such as Company, Department, Education, etc!

  • Add over 1000 relevant emails with a single click!

  • Want to add millions of records? We can handle that for you, just contact us for a personalised experience!

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Prospecting Features
Search our database of over 650M+ prospects using filters of your choice. All emails are validated in real time so never worry about outdated data!

Who trusts us?

Join thousands of businesses today

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Perfect for StartUps

$250 for 3 months

  • Leads from sales AI: 4,500

  • Prospecting data credits: 6000

  • SMS available: 500 (Extra SMS can be purchased)

  • Email credits available: 20000 renewable monthly (Extra emails can be purchased)

  • Joint inbox message available : 500 

  • Joint inbox connections available: 4 (Social, email, SMS)

  • Customer 360 view

  • Email Senders: 4

  • Automations available: 20


Best for growing teams

$350 for 6 months

  • Leads from sales AI: 25,000

  • Prospecting data credits: 25000

  • SMS available: 1000 (Extra SMS can be purchased)

  • Email credits available: 50,000 renewable monthly (Extra emails can be purchased)

  • Joint inbox message available : 2,500 

  • Joint inbox connections available: 10 (Social, email, SMS)

  • Customer 360 view

  • Email Senders: 10

  • Automations available: 30


Best for large teams 

$399 for 12 months

  • Leads from sales AI: 50, 000

  • Prospecting data credits: 50,000

  • SMS available: 1000 (Extra SMS can be purchased)

  • Email credits available: 100,000 renewable monthly (Extra emails can be purchased)

  • Joint inbox message available : Unlimited

  • Joint inbox connections available: 15 (Social, email, SMS)

  • Customer 360 view

  • Email Senders: 20

  • Automations available: 50 (Extra can be purchased)


MonkeyPesa is an all-in-one software for sales, marketing & customer support. We are trusted by thousands of businesses across 78 different countries. You are in the right hands. 

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